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Curry house will feed homeless this Xmas


Big-hearted staff at a Hamilton take-away are opening up their shop on Christmas Day to feed the homeless.

Staff at the House of Shah are giving up their day off to open up the town centre curry house to those in need.

The take-away, which is based in the town’s Quarry Street, will open from 1pm-4pm on December 25 and will offer food, tea and coffee.

Jahan Shah, who runs the shop, said: “Myself and the staff were just talking about how it’s nice to give to charity and we came up with the idea of doing this.

“The staff and myself are doing it voluntaril­y and taking time out our day off to do this.

“The biggest credit goes to my dad Cal, who owns the shop, who was happy with all of this and it will all be on his expense.”

The take-away will also welcome anyone who is spending Christmas alone.

They will be offering pizza, kebabs, chips, chocolate and tea and coffee.

The shop have received a great reaction to the gesture, with many taking to social media to praise their offer.

Edward Bevans posted on Facebook: “Well done to the House of Shah, that’s why it’s the number one takeaway in Hamilton.”

Lesleyann Ure said: “What an amazing gesture and thing to do! So kind and thoughtful! Well done guys. You all are definitely on Santa’s good list.”

Charlene Lindsay Macfarlane wrote: “Such an amazing thing to do, well done House of Shah, shows there are some nice people in this world.”

Jacqueline Haggerty said: “That’s a brilliant thing to do. It’s the first place I have heard doing this in Hamilton. Well done.”

Gillian Cummings posted: “Well done House of Shah, what an amazing thing to do, we need more people like you guys.” Eleanor Leitch said: “Beautiful thing to do.” Suzanne Evans Brown posted: “What an amazing thing to do. Faith in humanity restored.”

Alan Hobson wrote: people.”

Billy Gillan good guys.”

The popular curry house, famous for its Buckfast Korma and Irn-bru pakora, was crowned Best Takeaway in Scotland Award at the British Takeaway Awards last year.

Over the years the Hamilton takeaway has been producing some strange and wonderful food creations. These have included Irn-bru chicken pakora and tikka, Buckfast korma, pakora pizzas and ghost chilli pakora. posted:

“That’s the

“Amazing spirit, gesture,

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Jo and his dad Cal will feed the homeless this Christmas
Community spirit Jo and his dad Cal will feed the homeless this Christmas
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