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Jailed for driving van at man


A Viewpark thug has been sent to prison for 18 months after he deliberate­ly drove a van at a man.

Jack Martin had dodged jail only months before for another serious assault.

Martin, 21, of Hornbeam Road, was sentenced at Hamilton Sheriff Court after he admitted driving the vehicle at Liam Kane in Old Edinburgh Road, Viewpark, on July 26.

It followed bad feeling between Mr Kane and his ex-partner, Martin’s sister, over access to their child.

The van mounted the pavement and struck Mr Kane who was thrown on to the bonnet, struck his head on the windscreen and fell to the ground.

Jennifer Mclaren, prosecutin­g, said he tried to get to his feet but was“nudged”to the ground again by the vehicle.

Mr Kane was dazed and was then punched and kicked by the accused, who at one point placed his arm on Mr Kane’s throat and applied pressure, restrictin­g his breathing.

At one point the victim lost consciousn­ess.

Martin was warned by a friend that he was going too far, but replied:“no. This b...…. is going to die.”

The victim was taken to hospital and had a scan, but there were no serious injuries.

The court heard that Mr Kane’s six-year-old son had been playing in a garden that day when Mr Kane walked past.

Ms Mclaren said the child ran towards his dad and gave him a hug.

Mr Kane’s ex-partner left a house and there was a disagreeme­nt between them.

Someone advised her to call the police, but she replied:“no. I’ll get my dad and brother to deal with it.”

After being attacked by Martin, Mr Kane told a witness it had happened“because I cuddled my wee boy”.

Defence agent Diarmid Bruce told the court:“emotions run high in family situations and judgments are often clouded, but my client’s behaviour was unacceptab­le.

“He gets highly strung in these situations and needs to sort that out.”

Earlier in the year Martin was given a 12-month supervisio­n order for breaking a man’s jaw when he punched him outside Angels Hotel in Uddingston.

Sheriff Thomas Millar told him: “This is something similar and now custody is the only sentence that can be imposed.

“Hopefully, you will learn that you have to control yourself.”

The sentence was reduced from two years to 18 months because of Martin’s early guilty plea.

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