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Man beat victim in his bedroom


A Bellshill man was beaten up in his bedroom in front of his terrified partner.

Blood-soaked Robert Stewart eventually escaped and fled to a nearby shop.

Golf course worker William Passmore,

24, admitted the assault in Crinan Place, Bellshill, on July 25, which left his victim with permanent scarring.

Aaron Mcgill, 27, of Kirklee Road, Mossend, walked free when his not guilty plea was accepted.

Prosecutor Neil Thomson told Hamilton Sheriff Court the couple were in their bedroom when neighbour Passmore arrived about 8pm.

Mr Stewart’s girlfriend found him in the hall. He was“angry and threatenin­g”and said:“where’s your ginger b ****** boyfriend? I’m going to kill him.”

Thomson said:“the woman ran back to the bedroom and tried to close the door, but the accused managed to get in.

“The couple were cowering in the room.

Passmore then punched Mr Stewart repeatedly, causing him to fall and kicking him when he was on the floor.

“The victim escaped and ran to a nearby shop. His face and clothing were covered in blood and he needed hospital treatment for two cuts to his head.”

Passmore told police:“i came home from work and he had been giving my missus cheek. What did you expect me to do? He’s a ginger b ****** and I caved his head in.”

Eddie Robertson, defending, claimed Mr Stewart was“not a particular­ly sociable neighbour”. Passmore had been drinking which didn’t help that night.

Sheriff Ray Small noted Passmore had spent five months in custody awaiting the case, has a job and has a new address away from the Bellshill neighbourh­ood.

For these reasons the sheriff was prepared to impose an electronic tagging order as an alternativ­e to more time in prison.

Passmore will be confined to his dad’s home in Beech Avenue, New Stevenston, between 7pm and 7am for 110 days.

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