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Ross says good memories outweigh bad from his epic cycle challenge


Stonehouse man Ross Mckechnie says his epic challenge to cycle from Shanghai to Glasgow has so far been easier than he thought – but he’s behind schedule.

Ross is attempting to cycle 10,000 miles to raise money for the Achieve More! Scotland charity, the base of which is where he will eventually end his challenge, having spent five years in China.

Along the way, as he nears 180 days on the road, Ross has enjoyed some real highlights and experience­s, but has also had some set-backs, too.

Ahead of Christmas, he said: “I’ve been pretty sick for the last couple of weeks, had sinusitis, so my face was all swollen and painful, but I was still cycling every day, just taking it a bit easier.”

Ross planned to stay in a hotel on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and was following the coast of the Black Sea in Turkey.

He added:“it’s easy and nice camping on the beach. Weather has been warmer than before, like 15 degrees during the day but cloudy and a little drizzly at times, but nothing too bad.”

Ross was joined in Istanbul by his girlfriend Maikhanh Nguyen (pictured) on Hogmanay, and said:“for the most part I would say it has been easier than I thought.

“There have been very few times when I’ve been really struggling, but there have also been some hard times.

“One night it started pouring and my tent got soaked, then I had to do 50km the next day in the wind and rain.

“But these times are quickly forgotten about, it’s the good memories that stick.

“I’m a bit behind where I thought I would be, since I had to fly back to Shanghai for a week and I’m not covering as much ground during the winter, with worse weather and shorter daylight hours.”

 ??  ?? On the road Stonehouse man Ross Mckechnie was joined by fiance Maikhanh Nguyen in Istanbul
On the road Stonehouse man Ross Mckechnie was joined by fiance Maikhanh Nguyen in Istanbul

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