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Bomb drug debt threat


A crude bomb was set off outside the Viewpark home of a man over an alleged £400 drug debt.

John Burns later told police it was intended as a message for Paul Gallagher.

But the explosion terrified the target’s 83-year-old mum and led to homes being evacuated after bomb disposal experts raced to the scene.

Burns, 22, of Deanbrae Street, Uddingston, admitted culpable and reckless conduct in Myrtle Road, Viewpark, in February 2018.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard the bomb was left in a close between two houses as Burns wasn’t sure which one

Gallagher occupied.

Jennifer Mclaren, prosecutin­g, said: “Witnesses heard a loud bang about 4pm and saw black smoke passing their window.

“Mrs Gallagher, who is 83, was terrified. A man aged 70 in the next house also heard the bang and saw a young male, with his hood up, running away.

“Forensic officers were called out and people living in three houses were evacuated. A cordon was set up in the area.”

A bottle was found with three fireworks and two lighters attached to the outside. Inside was a mix of screws, batteries and stones.

Luckily, no one was injured by the blast and the only damage was scorch marks on the close floor.

Cops were initially baffled by the attack and it was fully a year later before Burns handed himself in, confessing what he had done.

He said he was owed £400 by a man called Paul who was ignoring his calls.

Burns added: “I didn’t mean it to be so serious that the bomb disposal people were called out.

“I just wanted to blow off the door and get the message to Paul about his drug debt.”

Sheriff Douglas Brown called for a criminal justice social work report and a restrictio­n of liberty assessment.

Burns was ordered to return to court for sentence on February 20.

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