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Caught carrying knives


Police officers who went to a Motherwell tower block were met by a man carrying two knives.

Steven Wilson claimed he was only going out for fresh air and a cigarette, but the blades were found in his jacket pockets.

Wilson, 45, appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court on Monday.

He admitted illegal possession of a kitchen knife and a lock knife outside his home in Woodside Tower on May 12.

Wilson also admitted putting police officers at risk of injury by failing to tell them he had the knives when they searched him.

Andrew Richardson, prosecutin­g, said the officers went to the tower block about 11pm but had trouble getting someone to answer the door buzzer.

Mr Richardson told the court:“the accused then opened the door and let them in.

“He said he was going out for fresh air and a cigarette.

“The officers realised he had been drinking and he was fidgeting with his hands in his pockets.

“They could see the handle of a knife in one of the pockets.

“Wilson was twice asked if he had any sharp objects on him, but didn’t reply.

“The officers searched him and recovered the knives from his pockets.”

Wilson further admitted acting in a threatenin­g or abusive manner during a phone call to NHS 24 on June 26.

The court heard he told the call handler he had mental health issues and needed help.

He made reference to knives and fighting, asking“who’s going to stab who first?”

The police were informed and he was arrested again, and held in custody before appearing in court this week.

Defence agent Diarmid Bruce insisted there was nothing sinister about Wilson having the knives.

The solicitor said:“he put his jacket on to go and let the police in, forgetting the knives were in his pockets.

“It would be strange to take such items out knowingly when you’re going to see police officers.

“There is no suggestion that he was brandishin­g the knives or threatenin­g people.”

Mr Bruce said Wilson normally gets help with his mental health problems, but that hasn’t been happening during the Covid-19 crisis.

He made a“rambling”call to NHS 24 in which he issued no specific threats.

Mr Bruce added:“staff were, understand­ably, concerned for his well being.

“My client’s position is he was looking for help and couldn’t understand why he was being arrested. He is a vulnerable man.”

Sheriff Allan Mckay said he accepted Wilson’s behaviour was down to his mental health issues.

He told the accused:“i see from your record that you haven’t been in prison for 10 years and have stayed out of trouble for a fairly long period.

“I’ll give you a chance to prove this was an aberration. Hopefully you can get some help.”

Sentence was deferred until October 26 for good behaviour. Wilson must not leave his home between 9pm and 6am each day.

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