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Church brings services to life


Drama Kirk, the team behind the Hamilton Passion Play, have not let lockdown get in the way of their mission to bring the Bible to life.

At Easter, their Passion Play was broadcast on Youtube to more than 3000 viewers.

After that, they began to explore how their dramatised Bible studies might go virtual.

These evenings use drama games and techniques to draw close to the characters in scripture and unlock a bit of what their back story might have been.

Talented members of the Drama

Kirk team have been recording a range of scenes and monologues – and now they are turning their attention to the Book of Job, a book synonymous with suffering.

Liz Blackman, Drama Kirk’s creative director, explained:“the parallels between what many have experience­d during the pandemic and those faced by Job struck a chord. Most people have faced their own trials during lockdown, whether that has been the loss of loved ones, being furloughed, health issues, loneliness or the juggle of home schooling whilst working from home.

“Whether it’s social media or family quizzes on Zoom, we have relied on technology like never before. We wanted to explore how this might have impacted on Job. Had his trials been occurring now, would his comforters have come to visit? No! They might have joined a Zoom call though… and that’s what people will get to see.“

The project has involved people from across Hamilton’s churches, including the Old Parish, St John’s, Cadzow and the United Reformed.

You can see their efforts at www. youtube.com/hamiltonol­d.

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