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Munro challenge

Fundraiser will see waitresses reach new heights


Two Hamilton waitresses are on a climbing mission to raise funds and provide free meals for the most vulnerable in the community.

Kacy Hunter, 20, is taking on seven munros throughout July alongside friend and colleague Rachel Naylor, also 20, and have almost smashed their £2000 target already with over £1900 being raised so far.

Aligned with their work Rocca Hamilton’s charitable goal of feeding those less fortunate during lockdown through Hamilton District Foodbank, the girls are also supporting St Andrew’s Hospice and Kilbryde Hospice – two causes close to home for both.

The pair, both from Hamilton, have helped make over 4200 free meals for struggling families in the community.

But they’re not stopping there as they embark on their hiking adventure which will cover 7000m in total once complete.

Kacy, who is also studing to become a PE teacher, knows how vital providing free meals to schoolchil­dren.

She said: “During COVID we had a lot of messages from foodbanks and places asking if there was anything we could do and our owner looked into it.

“We started off doing lunch packs for people missing their free meals. We looked into doing more help and ended up donating money to St Andrew’s Hospice and Kilbryde Hospice through competitio­ns online and donated £500 to each.

“Rachel and I decided we wanted to do more and we thought Scotland is amazing with beautiful places and we’re both into fitness so why don’t we climb munros and raise money for the Rocca Foundation.

“School’s have been shut meaning a lot of young children haven’t been getting their free school meals, we decided to donate a third of what we’re doing to the foodbank.

“Because I do PE teaching, and I’m in and out of schools, I see that a lot of families are dependent on foodbanks and that some have had less food and I saw how little food one of them had recently and it was horrible.”

Helping local causes means so much to Kacy and Rachel and they are determined to do them proud when they conquer all seven munros including: Ben Vorlich; Ben Lomond; An Caisteal and Beinn a’chrain; Ben Lawers; Meall nan Tarmachan; and Schiehalli­on.

“Both myself and Rachel have had family members looked after in both hospices”, Kacy added. “So we know the impact they have on helping people when they’re most vulnerable so it just means a lot to be able to give back to people who have helped us.”

“They’re such big hospices in the area and the foodbank is well known so just about everyone has known someone that has needed one of these services.”

“We’ve done one so far and they’re meant to get bigger and better as we go so we’re looking forward to it all.”

You can donate at www.gofundme. com/f/2238zddtk0

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