Harefield Gazette

Fighting to regain our sovereigni­ty


WHEN in 1973 we first signed up to what was then called ‘the Common Market’, it was a trading arrangemen­t with four or five other Europian countries whose economies, living standards and way of life was very similar to that of our own.

We were never told that this was the first step to creating a ‘United States of Europe’, which would eventualy have a European Commission and courts that would have soverignty over all member states’ legislatur­e and courts.

Gradually, and without the concent of the British people, we became a ‘semi-member’ of what had developed into the ‘EU’, which now consists of 27 countries with eight more so-called candidate nations, one of whom is Turkey, waiting to join, most of whom have a way of life, standard of living and economies that are completely different to ours.

Over recent years, the British people have learned that verious government­s, whether by design or ineptitude, have relinquish­ed the overeignty of parliament and our courts to the EU.

This is totaly unacceptab­le to the British people.

In 1914 and 1939 we fought two wars to maintain our sovereignt­y and way of life and now we have to fight a different type of battle to regain our sovereignt­y. Our parliament and our Royal Courts of Justice have to be Sovereign over all matters relating to the UK, and if the only way we can achieve this is to leave the EU, then so be it.

If we left the EU there may be a short period of economic decline, but we have fought our way out of simular situations in the past and we can do it again, and in the long run we will be better of, so we must vote to leave the EU. DAVID SEAMAN Royal Crescent South Ruislip

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