Harefield Gazette

Baby drowned after being left alone in bath


- By VICKY MUNRO vicky.munro@reachplc.com @vicky_aFm

THE grieving mum of a 10-monthold baby claims a doctor at Hillingdon Hospital turned off his life support without her or the dad’s consent.

An inquest at West London Coroner’s Court found that Kenzo De Macedo Teixeira died on March 23 this year after a tragic accident in the bath at his Uxbridge home.

His 21-year-old mother, Valeria De Macedo, now says she is considerin­g legal action, insisting neither she nor Kenzo’s father, 23-year-old Carlos Lopes, gave permission for his ventilator to be switched off.

She spoke of Kenzo, her first son and her parents’ only grandson, as a lively, cheerful and clever boy who loved food and was her “absolute joy”.

Coroner Dr Sean Cummings ruled on Monday November 26 that Kenzo died of drowning after an accident at his Patrington Close home, which resulted in his heart stopping for almost 50 minutes.

The London Ambulance Service was called at 3.38pm to reports of a 10-month-old baby in cardiac arrest and reached him at 3.46pm.

Dr Cummings read a statement at the inquest from the paramedics who attended the scene, Peter Shepherd and Rebecca Sutcliffe.

They were informed that Kenzo was having a bath when Valeria left the room for a few minutes to get blankets and clothes. She returned to find him submerged and unresponsi­ve.

The paramedics decided to take Kenzo to hospital after attempting to resuscitat­e him unsuccessf­ully for about 40 minutes at the home, the statement said.

Reading from their statement, Dr Cummings said: “When they left he did not have a heartbeat and was not breathing on his own.

“They carried on working on him in the ambulance and when they arrived at hospital, he did have a heartbeat but was still not able to breathe.”

A statement from PC Mark Jones described Valeria as “very distressed and inconsolab­le at that time”.

An air ambulance arrived at 3.59pm but Kenzo was taken to hospital by road with an ambulance setting off for Hillingdon Hospital at 4.19pm and arriving at 4.25pm.

Kenzo’s heart restarted at 4.24pm just prior to his arrival at the hospital, according to a consultant who arrived with the air ambulance team.

A statement from a Hillingdon Hospital consultant paediatric­ian, Dr Khaled Bizanti, said that Kenzo was “pale and cold”, when he arrived at the hospital.

His statement, read to the court, added: “Other concerning signs were that there were no spontaneou­s movements and his pupils were dilated and fixed.

“Despite efforts over the next several hours, Kenzo’s underlying condition did not improve.”

After consulting with Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), Dr Bizanti decided Kenzo “could not survive the drive” to GOSH.

Kenzo was then disconnect­ed from the ventilator, which was allowing him to breathe, after Dr Bizanti had a discussion with his mother and father, his statement said.

Dr Cummings said: “The reason they disconnect­ed Kenzo’s machine was because, although his heart was beating, his brain had died.

“He stopped breathing when he drowned and until just before they brought him to hospital they were unable to restart his heart.

“For a very long period he was without a heartbeat but children are able to survive that sort of thing for much longer, which is why they carried on trying to get his heart back.

“But the breathing machine was still doing all the breathing for him and pushing air into his lungs, he was not breathing himself. Even if he stayed on ventilator­s for a day or two, there was no chance.”

Valeria said at the inquest that Dr Bizanti had told her and the child’s godmother that there was a chance of Kenzo surviving, although he might suffer profound disabiliti­es.

During the inquest, she asked: “Why not give him a chance? We did not give permission for the machine to be switched off. His dad was not even talking and just holding his hand.

“I was screaming and telling him please do not switch off the machine but he told me I was hurting my baby. My whole family was begging him and offering him money to give him at least a bit of time to see if his body reacts.”

Valeria says she has lodged a formal complaint with Hillingdon Hospital and has spoken to solicitors about pursuing legal action.

Though she does not want to speak to the doctor in question, she agreed for Dr Cummings to arrange for her to speak with another Hillingdon doctor about what happened to her son.

‘Other parents must not go through what I have’

Speaking at the inquest, she added: “If the nurses are honest people they would say that we begged for him to not switch off the machines. He did it without my permission and that’s not correct.

“Just before he switched off the machine I was holding him and his eyes weren’t totally shut. They opened when he switched off the machine and he breathed twice and then his body let go.

“He went so heavy and cold. He was warm, not cold, before. Maybe if he had left the machines on the results would have been different to what he was expecting. You see so many cases of children in the same situation where they do come back when they give them time.”

She added: “Not being given a say in what they did with him in the hospital felt like I did not even give birth to him and it was nothing. I was not given the opportunit­y to decide, even if the outcome would have been the same.

“I had no say in his birth because he was born premature and now regarding his death someone is putting words in my mouth, saying I did accept for my son to let go. They just took the decision for me.

“I feel so angry with myself, I did not fight enough. I feel like I was so weak when they switched off the machines.”

Speaking after the inquest, Valeria said: “The way everything was dealt with was wrong, we had to leave the hospital through A&E when it was full of people. The whole family was crying and everyone was looking at us, we could have left through a different door.

“I never want other parents to have to go through what I went through.”

In a statement read out during the inquest, she remembered her last morning with Kenzo, playing with him in his room and feeding him eggs and bread soldiers for breakfast.

She said: “I lost my dad years ago and my situation with Kenzo’s dad is not perfect. I have never had good relationsh­ips with men so Kenzo was the only honest man in my life.

“My daughter does not give me as much attention, she is all about her daddy but my son was all about me.

“He would put a smile on my face even if I was upset about other things in my life. Every day when I woke him up he would be so excited and he wanted to be with me. He never saw me upset with him.”

Speaking after the inquest, she described her son as a clever boy who loved food and was adored by his whole family.

She said: “My son was everything and really smart. When I told him not to do something, he would look at me out of the corner of his eye.

“He could already say ‘mama’ and ‘give’. My daughter is three and speaks quite a few languages and he was the same as her.

“He always knew what he wanted and he would always look when I said his name. I used to take him swimming and he loved food. He never saw anyone eating without asking for some.

“When he turned five months old we had a party and made him a cake and he was covered in cake and kisses.

“Even now my daughter still speaks about him and says she will share things with him, although she understand­s that he is gone and says he is in the stars.”

Responding to a request for comment, Hillingdon Hospital said that “a full investigat­ion” took place and a response was sent to Kenzo’s family.

A Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust spokeswoma­n said: “We understand the family’s distress and our thoughts are with them at this very sad time.

“The inquest into Kenzo’s death was to look at the cause of death and we understand that the conclusion at the inquest was accidental death.

“Once a formal complaint was made, a full investigat­ion was undertaken and our response was sent back to Kenzo’s family.

“We have also offered to meet with the family to discuss the care and treatment given to Kenzo.”

She added: “We can’t give any informatio­n about the investigat­ion or the response at all for patient confidenti­ality reasons.”

 ??  ?? Baby Kenzo was treated by paramedics and then at Hillingdon Hospital
Baby Kenzo was treated by paramedics and then at Hillingdon Hospital

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