Harefield Gazette



- By CHRIS BALLINGER christophe­r.ballinger@reachplc.com @MyLondon

HEARTLESS teenagers who stabbed an 18-year-old to death in Shepherd’s Bush ran off and celebrated with a fist bump.

William Haines, 18, of Cobbold Road, Acton, and a 17-year-old from Hounslow, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were both convicted on Friday January 17 after a trial at the Old Bailey.

Haines was convicted of murder and possession of a blade, while the 17-year-old was convicted of manslaught­er and possession of a blade.

The pair stabbed Yusuf Mohamed to death in the middle of Uxbridge Road, Shepherd’s Bush, in an unprovoked attack. Yusuf, from Hammersmit­h , was out with friends on the evening of June 26, 2019 when Haines and the younger attacker spotted the group from a bus stop across the road.

For no apparent reason, the pair crossed the road towards Yusuf, and as they reached the pavement Haines took out a large knife. Seeing the imminent attack his friends ran off, but Yusuf did not appear to be aware of what was happening until it was too late.

Haines was the first to reach Yusuf. He removed a knife from his waistband and used it to stab Yusuf in the chest, with the knife entering his heart.

While Haines was attacking Yusuf, the 17-year-old took a knife from a rucksack and even though Yusuf was seriously injured and had fallen on the floor into a shop’s doorway, he advanced on him.

Yusuf was trying to get away, desperatel­y crawling backwards into the shop on his elbows, but the 17-year-old stabbed Yusuf in the thigh as he lay helpless and defenceles­s on the floor.

The wound to the upper left chest that penetrated Yusuf ’s chest and through his heart went to a depth of approximat­ely 20cm, while the wound to his right thigh penetrated to a depth of approximat­ely 13cm.

Both attackers ran away, tucking their knives back out of sight, and as they did so CCTV recorded them in Willow Vale giving each other a congratula­tory ‘fist bump’.

Det Ch Insp Rob Pack, who led the investigat­ion, said: “This was a savage and callous attack where a young man was set upon in the street and lost his life in a matter of seconds.

“To this day, the motive for the killing is unclear. Both defendants clearly felt they could carry and use knives with impunity.

“That they congratula­ted themselves with a fist bump and smiles having so brutally taken a life is beyond comprehens­ion. These conviction­s brings justice for Yusuf and his family.”

Police and the London Ambulance Service were called at 9.20pm, but despite all the efforts to save him Yusuf died at the scene at 10.03pm.

No reason for the attack was ever found and there is no evidence to suggest that Yusuf had ever met his killers.

There was no argument and Yusuf was not involved in gangs or criminalit­y. He was not carrying a weapon.

By speaking to witnesses and tracking CCTV, detectives found the route the attackers had used to flee the scene.

Haines and the 17-year-old ran into nearby Wormholt Park.

A search by police dog found a bag containing a knife. After examinatio­n of the DNA found on the knife, it was linked to the 17-year-old and Yusuf.

Four days after the murder a dog walker was in Wormholt Park when his pet emerged from bushes carrying a knife in a sheath.

As a result of the investigat­ion, both were arrested at their homes.

The pair are yet to be sentenced.

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 ??  ?? The callous killers ran off and congratula­ted each other after the stabbing
The callous killers ran off and congratula­ted each other after the stabbing
 ??  ?? Yusuf Mohamed
Yusuf Mohamed

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