Harefield Gazette

Passenger ‘with coronaviru­s’ spat at bus driver


A WEST London bus driver was spat at by a man who was heard yelling “I have coronaviru­s” moments beforehand.

The driver was abused while parked on The Broadway, in Greenford, Ealing, at 2.15pm on Monday March 30.

Witnesses reported that they heard the man yell, ‘I have corona” before he spat at the driver.

According to the Metropolit­an Police, who have launched an investigat­ion, the driver did not require medical treatment, while the spit landed on the protective screen which surrounds where the driver sits.

No arrests have been made at this stage.

One man who was at the scene said the driver involved was driving a route 95 bus, which goes from Southall Broadway to

“Officers attended. The suspect had left the scene before officers arrived.

“It is believed he walked northbound along Greenford Road.

“The bus driver did not require medical treatment as the spit landed on the protective screen and did not get to him. “Enquiries continue.” Siwan Hayward, director of compliance, policing and on-street services at TfL, said: “This appalling assault is abhorrent and unacceptab­le.

“Our bus drivers are supporting the efforts to tackle coronaviru­s by providing transport for critical workers in the NHS, who are saving lives.

“We will use CCTV, Oystercard data and spit kits to help the police track down the offender and bring them to justice.

“If anyone witnessed the incident, or holds any informatio­n, please get in touch with the police.

“We have a number of safety and protective measures in place across our bus network, including protective screens, daily cleaning of buses with strong disinfecta­nt and posters reminding customers to observe social distancing guidelines on board our buses.

“These are helping to ensure both staff and critical workers making essential journeys on our network are kept as safe as possible during the coronaviru­s pandemic.”

Anyone with informatio­n is asked to contact police by calling 101, quoting CAD 3067/30Mar.

Alternativ­ely, you can contact Crimestopp­ers free and anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

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