Harefield Gazette

‘We feel like second class citizens’


- Local democracy reporter By ANAHITA HOSSEIN-POUR anahita.hosseinpou­r@reachplc.com @anahitahpo­ur

A WEST Ealing care home has been waiting nearly two weeks for an emergency order of personal protective equipment (PPE) to arrive as the manager fears current supplies will not be enough if coronaviru­s is spread to the residence.

Cecile Bauzon, manager of Georgian House Nursing Home, said that social care workers were made to feel like “second class citizens” from day one of the crisis in not being prioritise­d for PPE.

The care home boss, who has worked there for 20 years, said they have PPE stock to last two to three weeks, which she doesn’t believe will be enough, if they experience a case of coronaviru­s with their residents.

“I have been told by one of the suppliers that the government has asked them to provide all the PPE through the NHS,” she explained.

“That felt like, are we kind of second class citizens? From day one that is how they made us feel ... we are put on the side.

“We look after high risk and vulnerable adults. We are looking after them and we are saving lives in our own means as much as possible.”

The Lyncroft Gardens site has so far had no suspected Covid-19 cases or illness at the home, and staff must disinfect their shoes as well as use hand sanitiser before entering the property for work.

“We have done every measure, and extended further our measures on how we can prevent coronaviru­s in the home.

“All the staff are very aware,” Ms Bauzon explained.

“All of us are so worried about it, no matter what prevention we put in place any one person that comes in it will be a transmissi­on, it is really scary.

“The staff morale at the moment, all of us are really, really scared, but then again the dedication of the staff is just phenomenal, they are committed to come and help out.”

Ms Bauzon said a key point she wants to know from Ealing Council is whether extra help can be given to homes aside from PPE, such as with staffing if her workers are forced to self-isolate.

The local authority joined a London-wide recruitmen­t campaign called Proud To Care this week, looking to hire carers to look after those leaving hospital, as well as older and vulnerable residents.

Roles such as cleaners, chefs, occupation­al therapists and social workers are also looking to be filled in the borough during the crisis.

Last month Ealing Council put out an urgent appeal for PPE for social care workers in the borough, claiming that they will need 100,000 pairs of gloves a week to tackle the pandemic.

Following the campaign drive, council leader Julian Bell said 30,000 pieces of PPE had been delivered to 30 local care homes in the last week.

He added: “The council is working closely with care homes in Ealing to support the tremendous work they are doing to keep vulnerable residents and the staff who work in them safe and stop the spread of coronaviru­s.

“We have joined forces with other West London boroughs to buy our own stocks of PPE and have been using it to bolster supplies in care homes as well as distributi­ng it to other front line key workers.

“We are working closely with Public Health England and our partners in the NHS to extend clinical support to care homes as well as disseminat­ing guidance and virtual training to prevent the spread of infection.

“We regularly gather informatio­n about their PPE stock, staffing capacity and infection rates and work with partners in the NHS and London-wide response to ensure our homes get the support they need.”

 ?? PHOTO: JUSTIN SETTERFIEL­D/GETTY IMAGES ?? PPE equipment is carried into London’s NHS Nightingal­e hospital. Care home staff have complained that it has proved far harder for them to get hold of PPE
PHOTO: JUSTIN SETTERFIEL­D/GETTY IMAGES PPE equipment is carried into London’s NHS Nightingal­e hospital. Care home staff have complained that it has proved far harder for them to get hold of PPE

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