Harefield Gazette

There’s no holding him back – despite bike theft

- By SAM TRUELOVE samuel.truelove@reachplc.com @samtruelov­e1

A West London NHS worker was left “frustrated” after a thief stole part of his bike during a shift.

William Turton noticed the front wheel of his bike was missing after working a shift at Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital earlier this month.

The 26-year-old, who works for child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) at Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital, was forced to carry the bike to his Fulham home.

“I came out on my lunch break and noticed the wheel of my bike was missing,” he told MyLondon.

“I had locked it up on the bike rack but it had been stolen. It was the front wheel.

“I bike between the three hospitals so it was very frustratin­g.”

Mr Turton, who works with children and young people who have difficulti­es with their emotional or behavioura­l wellbeing, added: “It was very annoying. With the NHS being praised at the moment and with the clapping at eight, for someone to steal something like this is frustratin­g.

“I had to walk home with the bike after a long shift and it was hard.”

Mr Turton, who says it is the second time thieves have targeted his bike, had started a Gofundme page to raise money so he could purchase a new wheel.

He has raised enough money to buy a replacemen­t wheel – and has done so – and now hopes to raise enough money so he can purchase a new bike.

With fewer people visiting A&E due to the coronaviru­s outbreak, Mr Turton believes it could have a negative effect on young people’s mental health, due to the services which CAMHS offer not being used.

“In terms of mental health we are seeing less people going into A&E so we are far quieter than usual,” he said.

“There is anxiety around going into hospitals at the moment and that may result in a gap in the service because people are not visiting.

“We do see people in PPE working in the hospitals, but we are just trying to work as normal.

“We are not directly involved [with coronaviru­s patients] so it’s not as daunting.”

To visit the Gofundme page https://www.gofundme.com/f/nhsworkers-stolen-bike-wheel

 ??  ?? William Turton works at Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital
William Turton works at Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital
 ??  ?? The front wheel of William Turton’s bike was stolen from outside Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital
The front wheel of William Turton’s bike was stolen from outside Chelsea and Westminste­r Hospital

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