Harefield Gazette


(Serves 2)



1tbsp quinoa; 1tbsp frozen edamame beans; 100g crunchy veg, such as cucumber, sugar snap peas, mangetout, carrots; 2 level tsps white miso paste; 2tsps rice wine vinegar; 1 fresh chilli; 1cm piece of ginger; 1 lime; 2tsps sesame oil; 2tsps low-salt soy sauce; 2tsps sesame seeds; 200g super-fresh chunky tuna steak, from sustainabl­e sources OPTIONAL: 2 sprigs of shiso, mint or basil GET AHEAD: You can prep all this on the day, if you prefer.


1. Cook the quinoa in plenty of water according to the packet instructio­ns, adding the edamame for the last 2 minutes, then drain and cool. Take time to prep your crunchy veg – it’s nice to have a mixture, so use up any veg from the fridge – and finely slice everything as delicately as you can. 2. Muddle the miso into the rice vinegar, then scrunch with the prepped veg, quinoa and edamame – flavours will develop and deepen overnight. 3. To make a dressing, deseed and finely chop the chilli and place in a clean jam jar. Peel and finely grate in ginger, squeeze in lime juice, then add sesame oil and soy and pop the lid on. 4. Toast the sesame seeds in a non-stick frying pan on a high heat until lightly golden, tossing regularly, then remove. Sear the tuna for just 20 seconds on each side and edge, turning with tongs. Leave to cool. Cover and refrigerat­e the veg and tuna overnight.

TO SERVE: If you’ve prepped ahead, get everything out of the fridge 15 minutes before serving. Finely slice the tuna and arrange around a platter. Pile the dressed veg in the centre, shake up the dressing and spoon over the tuna. Finish with the herb leaves (if using), and toasted sesame seeds.

ENERGY 253kcal; FAT 12.7g; SAT FAT 2.5g; PROTEIN 17.7g; CARBS 7.6g; SUGARS 2.6g; SALT 1.2g; FIBRE 1.8g

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