Harefield Gazette

The last thing we need is more animal cruelty


YOU might write it off as a cruel joke, but it’s real: forcing cows, who already pay dearly for human tastes, to wear thick plastic face masks .

The Prince of Wales should be royally ashamed to give this medieval-looking device an award instead of condemning it with at least the force he reserves for modern architectu­re.

The creators of this inhumane contraptio­n claim that it is “comfortabl­e”, but that’s akin to calling meat, eggs, and dairy “gifts to the environmen­t” when they cause it inarguable harm.

The last thing our society needs is to inflict more suffering on animals, when what is needed is a rapid retreat from cruel and environmen­tally damaging animal agricultur­e.

Research shows our consumptio­n of cows, lambs, and pigs needs to drop by 90 percent to avert the worst effects of the climate catastroph­e.

Our future king should home in on vegan farming initiative­s, which actually help animals, human arteries, and the planet.

If there ever was a case of the emperor’s new clothes, this is it.

Elisa Allen Director, PETA UK

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