Harefield Gazette

Medication should not be forced on everyone


I AGREE Boris has done well in helping the Ukraine and has achieved some good things.

However, his recent by-election losses show that the majority of the electorate want proper Conservati­ve policies – stricter punishment­s for criminals and control of illegal immigratio­n.

That is why they ‘lent’ Boris their votes at the last general election, giving him a huge majority. They didn’t vote for woke, lefty PC policies from him.

If they’d wanted that they would have voted for a different political party.

For instance, what is Boris doing in planning adding a toxic ‘fluoride’ chemical to our tap water to force everyone to drink it, so there can be no opting out or ‘informed consent.’ The Conservati­ves are supposed to stand for freedom of choice!

The chemical used in this is hexafluoro­silicic acid - toxic waste from phosphate fertiliser factory chimney scrubbers – more poisonous than lead and only slightly less so than arsenic. It is not pharmaceut­ical grade, unlike that in toothpaste.

Fluoridati­on is wasteful and expensive as less than one percent of tap water is drunk by children. Most water is used by industry and for washing, toilet flushing, laundry and watering gardens. Ninety-nine percent of taxpayers’ money spent on fluoridati­on is literally money down the drain!

It’s unethical to ‘medicate’ everyone regardless of their need, health or choice.

In Lanarkshir­e, Scotland, tooth decay is greatly reduced by the “ChildSmile” scheme where young children clean their teeth each day in school.

Medication should be prescribed individual­ly not forced on everyone with no control over dosage received.

It would be preferable to give free fluoride toothpaste to any child deemed to need extra fluoride than to add it to the whole water supply.

Several professors are concerned about this plan (including Dr Paul Connett, Professor of Environmen­tal Chemistry and Toxicity and Cambridge University graduate.)

Come on Boris, get back to sorting out law and order which is what you were elected to do, or the Conservati­ves will lose the next election.

Name and address supplied

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