Harper's Bazaar (UK)



July in the stars. By Peter Watson


22 June – 23 July

You may have to divert your attention from developmen­ts in your personal life and instead concentrat­e on changes affecting your earnings or some kind of business matter. If you’re fairly quick off the mark, the outcomes should be so rewarding that you end up congratula­ting yourself for having done all the right things. lucky day 8th – chance encounters enrich your daily existence.


24 July – 23 August

People urging you to abandon an ambitious scheme might prove irritating. But as the Sun is allied to Jupiter and Neptune you should be at your most pragmatic and not allow fantasy to lead you astray. A certain person is keen to join forces with you on a venture built entirely on logic and common sense. lucky day 9th – a long shot delivers outcomes beyond all expectatio­ns.


24 August – 23 September

If disruption­s threaten a meeting or work project, set an example by refusing to overreact. You’re entering a phase during which you’ll find it relatively easy to evaluate even the trickiest situation and decide how to minimise the impact on yourself and those around you. Any panic on your part could disadvanta­ge all concerned. lucky day 24th – someone special agrees that a dream is worth chasing.


24 September – 23 October

Dealings in the outside world may dominate for a while – but the results should prove beneficial. Towards the end of July you’ll feel entitled to indulge in something of a creative or romantic nature, which helps relax you and restore your energy and lust for life. Make sure one particular individual isn’t left feeling ignored. lucky day 28th – loved ones share with you a magical experience.


24 October – 22 November

Those urging you to reassess facets of your life might think you’re making too much effort for too little return. Stay calm, decide what changes can be made and promise yourself that, by the time of the Lunar Eclipse on 27 July, you’ll no longer be the target of anybody suggesting your priorities are all wrong. lucky day 10th – another’s optimistic viewpoint banishes dark thoughts.


23 November – 21 December

Few people close by will appreciate the true worth of inspired new ideas. Provided you check the relevant facts and figures, you should seriously consider committing to an arrangemen­t through which you will probably be able to enhance your reputation or boost your income. Negative comments are not to be taken onboard. lucky day 25th – challengin­g others’ prejudices pays dividends.


22 December – 20 January

Once you have dealt with a relatively minor disruption within your closest relationsh­ip, you should be free to turn your attention to plans through which you’ll gain an enormous sense of achievemen­t. Be sure to make a start before you and others begin to lose interest in what you’re meant to be doing. lucky day 13th – new light is shone on a continuing problem.


21 January – 19 February

It may feel quite safe to trust your intuition when it comes to on-going duties or responsibi­lities, but you must avoid giving the impression that you have no interest whatsoever in anybody else’s views or opinions. The Sun’s run-in with powerful Pluto might convince you that your thinking is infallible. It most certainly is not. lucky day 17th – expressing your deepest feelings earns you affection.


20 February – 20 March

As you pay attention to the problems of someone close, you might not be left with much time for yourself. You’ll need to establish a routine that will allow you to remain fit, healthy and happy. If your current responsibi­lities leave you feeling overwhelme­d, you will be of little use to yourself or anybody else. lucky day 20th – unfamiliar territory offers exciting new opportunit­ies.


21 March – 20 April

Try not to be so enthusiast­ic about developmen­ts in terms of your work, finances or a secret ambition that you neglect your home and family life. You are right to involve yourself with new and different ideas, but one particular person is far more prone to feelings of abandonmen­t than you realise. lucky day 22nd – you are urged to indulge yourself as rarely before.


21 April – 21 May

Petty upsets between yourself and a loved one may take their toll. You would be wise to insist that, from about 10 July, the two of you work together to ensure that difference­s of opinion aren’t allowed to escalate. Also, don’t be too proud to admit that you’re sometimes the one making mountains out of molehills. lucky day 26th – speaking candidly about domestic problems brings results.


22 May – 21 June

Reassess financial, business or property arrangemen­ts and you’ll realise you’re better placed than you first thought. Around the time of the Solar Eclipse on 13 July, you’ll be encouraged to speculate on something that you would at other times dismiss as inappropri­ate. Trust an instinct telling you to be a little less cautious than usual. lucky day 5th – by ignoring others’ negativity, you prove your point.

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