Harper's Bazaar (UK)


May in the stars.

- By Peter Watson


21 April – 21 May

Enforcing rules or boundaries may not be easy. But it has to be done if you and certain other people are to profit from arrangemen­ts that have been anything but straightfo­rward to discuss. Trust the fact that those involved value your input and are not judging you for being too controllin­g. lucky day 15th – you are seen in your true light where it counts.


22 May – 21 June

Refuse to do battle over every little detail of a controvers­ial set-up. Instead, focus on the broad brushstrok­es and be willing to give in to minor concession­s likely to placate the other person. You’re only a few steps, not a million miles, from an outcome that should bring almost everything you’ve been hoping for. lucky day 6th – news arrives in time to clarify a confusing issue.


22 June – 23 July

Not everything you have to say to a certain group of people will go down well. But you should be able to rely on the sage advice of a loved one or friend telling you to stand your ground. Mercury’s tussle with power-packed Pluto will bring grievances to the surface. They have to be addressed. lucky day 9th – a partnershi­p regains elements that had begun to fade.


24 July – 23 August

Be prepared to put your head above the parapet while colleagues or peers remain cautious. You obviously shouldn’t do anything reckless, but you’re about to become aware of some influentia­l people watching you closely. You’re right to assume that they would be more impressed with daring innovation than hyper-vigilance. lucky day 25th – by taking a minor risk, you reap major rewards.


24 August – 23 September

Faraway shores beckon, but you must do some fancy footwork to avoid losing the chance to raise your profile. You seem to feel that you’ve missed out in the past. If you’re considerin­g travel plans, take into account any event that requires you to be in the right place at the right time to make the progress you crave. lucky day 1st – without even trying, you triumph in tricky territory.


24 September – 23 October

In a bid to promote somebody’s health and wellbeing, you may need to pull out all the stops. Be aware of a Sun-Neptune link persuading you that solutions are at hand provided you throw money at them. Careful planning, expertise and determinat­ion are the vital ingredient­s you need, not just hard cash. lucky day 11th – suddenly you see what a plan really has to offer.


24 October – 22 November

You’ll understand the value of effective networking with some difficult individual­s. But not everyone who is meant to be on your side will see things as you do. If you cannot use your soft skills to incline them towards your way of thinking, try throwing your weight around a little more robustly than usual. lucky day 22nd – something said, out of the blue, eases your mind.


23 November – 21 December

Put everything you’ve got into lengthy talks with those who have a similar work ethic and philosophi­cal stance to your own. By contributi­ng as much as you can to the various stages involved, you should eventually achieve all your shared goals. Time and effort spent at this stage can only improve your chances of success. lucky day 2nd – your kindness to another benefits you both.


22 December – 20 January

Willing though you may be to pitch in with some kind of group endeavour, you won’t want to do all the heavy lifting. And as Mars confronts Jupiter, you might defend your position too vociferous­ly. Remember you’re dealing with people who may play a part in your long-term future. Think before you speak. lucky day 14th – the truth about a complex situation is revealed.


21 January – 19 February

Having been tight-lipped about developmen­ts likely to affect friends and family as well as yourself, you must reveal all. Choose your moment carefully, as one individual could accuse you of having a hidden agenda because you’ve been so secretive. Keep your cool and state the facts, time and again, without variation or ornamentat­ion. lucky day 8th – messages filtering through make you feel loved.


20 February – 20 March

Progress you’ve made in the wider world may slow down or possibly even come to a halt. But the hold-up won’t last for ever, and you can use any downtime to go over details and procedures that must be spot-on if you’re to win glittering prizes. One slip-up or oversight could set you back. lucky day 21st – loved ones provide answers to some tough questions.


21 March – 20 April

Advisers suggesting you break off arguments about money-related matters have a valid point. So let a Sun-Saturn connection encourage you to consider potential pitfalls, rather than solely focusing on your hopes and wishes – these negotiatio­ns require you to be prudent and discerning, rather than gung-ho. lucky day 5th – people encourage you to let your hair down, at last.

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