Hayes & Harlington Gazette

Vital role of the Gazette


THERE was a good article about local newspapers in the Daily Telegraph on 29th June entitled “If local papers die, so does democracy”.

This reported that we are losing so many wonderful local newspapers - some of which have been running for over 100 years.

The Gazette has been a much needed source of democracy in this area. Local campaign groups had to fight off the proposed closure of Ruislip Manor Library on several occasions in the past and they couldn’t have done this without the Gazette highlighti­ng what was going on.

The library was saved and today we’re very grateful to Hillingdon Council for all the many great libraries that we have!

In 2003 The Gazette also helped fight the proposed closure of the world-renowned Mount Vernon Cancer Centre.

The Gazette publicised where the public meetings against this closure were being held, so residents could attend and put their views.

Like the Telegraph, I fear for democracy if we don’t have a local newspaper to publish our letters and be a voice for the people, and tell us anything which readers should know about.

So Gazette, please distribute your newspapers to shops in Ruislip and other areas around Uxbridge. Not only would your staff lose their jobs if people can’t get hold of a Gazette, but it would be a sad day for local democracy.

Name and address witheld

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