Hayes & Harlington Gazette

Death ‘could have been avoided’



BEHIND every coronaviru­s statistic is a grieving family who has lost a loved one. Among these is Southall resident Harpal Virdee, who along with her two siblings, lost her dad, Satnam Singh Virdee, a retired Heathrow Airport worker.

Ms Virdee told MyLondon that her dad, aged 67, began to show coronaviru­s symptoms prior to the official lockdown, after attending a wedding and a funeral a few days before. The latter also being attended by the local Sikh priest who passed away five days before Mr Virdee.

She believes the Government’s failure to enforce lockdown earlier led to people not understand­ing how serious the virus was.

Ms Virdee said: “We didn’t understand how serious and contagious it [coronaviru­s] really was.

“We only understood the seriousnes­s of it when he passed away. We’re so scared we haven’t left the house since. We’ve gone crazy as a result of it. My little one’s nursery said they’re starting to come back – but I said ‘no absolutely not.’

“I think [the number of deaths] is definitely down to the Government delaying [the introducti­on of lockdown].

“I still know friends who are talking about lockdown easing and being able to go out. But deaths are still pretty high. I’m telling my friends to stay home.”

Ms Virdee said her father’s condition seemed stable at points, even when he was admitted to ICU, so she was shocked to hear he had taken a turn for the worse and eventually passed away on April 19.

“We’ve ended up in a totally unexpected place, in a place of shock,” Ms Virdee said.

“We didn’t think we’d end up at this point. We weren’t even close to the peak when the ambulance came to get him around March 30.

“His oxygen levels were shockingly low but when they got him to the hospital he seemed hopeful. But what’s scary is that even when it’s hopeful it can really go the other way. He was sending us pictures saying he’s fine.”

“He continued to get worse. He was on a ventilator for three weeks, he was stable for a week and started to improve and we became really hopeful. But 24 hours later we were told something was wrong.”

Ms Virdee now believes people need to take the situation into “their own hands” and decide for themselves what to do.

Her brother, who is an NHS doctor, warned the family to self-isoslate prior to the lockdown and Ms Virdee told us this is what they will do until it seems safe, irregardle­ss of Government advice.

Satnam Singe Virdee, pictured holding his granddaugh­ter, was loved among his community

“I wouldn’t trust anyone at the moment,” she added.

“Hospitals are still struggling to get the right equipment. I don’t want to go out.”

In memory of Mr Virdee, described as his family as “very jovial and spiritual and loved by the community,” the family set up a Go Fund Me to donate to charities close to his heart.

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