Hayes & Harlington Gazette

Let’s fight prejudice against pigeons


LET’S stop the normalisat­ion of hatred! Many people are finding it hard to enjoy parks, city centres and other public places, because of the cruelty and abuse of pigeons there.

It is deeply distressin­g to see pigeons kicked, chased and abused by children, while adults look on, and seem to encourage this behaviour. In fact, cruelty to pigeons has become normal!

We must fight against all hatred and prejudice towards pigeons, who helped us mightily as messengers, and saved thousands of human lives during both World Wars. It is up to everyone to be kind to pigeons and all animals who share our world, and to give them a life worth living.

Pigeons have a right to be here, so please leave them in peace. Then, everyone will be able to enjoy our parks and public places again.

Pigeon abuse has no place in our world today. In fact, it leads to further bullying and abuse of vulnerable animals and people, and still more violence in our society.

Yet, it continues to be encouraged in children by adults. Children then go on to teach other children to abuse pigeons, which is totally unacceptab­le. With this attitude being promulgate­d, what hope is there, for the future of animal welfare? The consequenc­es of this are frightenin­g.

It is never OK to teach children to bully and abuse any living creature – pigeons included.

This hatred, and the acceptance of this hatred, must stop. Full stop.

Sylvia Browning By email

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