Hayes & Harlington Gazette

Rishi Sunak has turned U-turns into art form


RISHI Sunak’s government is consistent in one thing.

It makes promises to implement policies clearly aimed at public support, only to, within a short period, unfailing announce that it will not after all go ahead, or that it might, but only at some indetermin­ate point in the future.

Far from providing a reason to vote Conservati­ve it is generating despair among its natural supporters, relying on Hillaire Belloc’s principle of “always keep a-hold of Nurse, for fear of finding something worse”, given the alternativ­e of a coalition of Labour, the Lib Dems and the Greens.

This reversal of promises made has been highlighte­d by the decision not to go ahead with, by the end of 2023, the removal of laws resulting from EU membership, thus betraying once again the will of the people as expressed in the 2016 referendum.

It is also a sell out by the Prime Minister personally, as, when running for the leadership, he was definite that these laws would be repealed.

He may appear a personable man, who was apparently a Brexiteer, but it is obvious that he is prepared to say anything for power, yet to have little intention of actually sticking to his word.

Boris Johnson was hung out to dry over supposed breaches of good faith. Yet the current Conservati­ve leadership seems to have turned the making of U-turns into an art form.

Unless they can find the courage, to quote Shakespear­e’s Henry V to “Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood”, and implement the policies upon which they were elected they will deservedly lose the next general election.

Colin Bullen

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