Hayes & Harlington Gazette

Technology has some cons as well as pros


INFORMATIO­N technology is now so advanced it has, for some people, become a ‘godsend’; it definitely came into its own during the Covid lockdowns, when “necessity became the mother of invention”.

However, it is only responsibl­e to identify its minuses for a truly balanced evaluation.

Disturbing are the accounts of people losing thousands of pounds through sophistica­ted scams, losing confidence and self-respect in falling for sweet-heart scams, or being driven to suicide by bullying on social media.

Those not able or wanting to bank online are sidelined as banks, looking after their shareholde­rs, continue to close branches across the country. Preference to shop online has caused closure of shops and narrowing of choice for people wanting to see, touch, and discuss merchandis­e with real assistants.

I admit to being part of the problem, in occasional­ly buying online.

But it has opened my eyes to what I presume is pressure on couriers, given the high volume of parcels, to deliver on time.

An e-mail told me an item had arrived, and had been “handed to the recipient”; having regularly checked the front door and newspaper-box throughout the day I concluded it had gone to the wrong address.

Late that evening I went to the front gate – and there, on the ground, was the packet. The lie, I imagine, was part of the quest to meet required performanc­e levels.

Resounding in all our ears now will be the lie “You are the only one” from ITV’s Mr. Bates vs The Post Office; again, an IT system – this time faulty – created a situation which brought out the worst in Post Office officials – self-righteousn­ess, arrogance, bullying and lying.

As a consequenc­e lives were devastated, and some ended.

In short, utilizatio­n of IT should always be tempered by considerat­ion for the individual..

Carole Scullion Fulbourn

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