Heat (UK)

Getting the measure of… Tom Riley


So, Claude likes to have a good time, then…

Yes. He is the real genius at the House of Sabine, but he is also debauched, drunk, hedonistic, gay... all the things that wouldn’t go down too well with the public at that time. So, in exchange for providing a few sketches every now and again and designing the collection, he gets to live the life he wants to lead.

Does he have many lovers?

Well, he has more lovers than I’ve had in real life! He just kind of lives for himself, but it doesn’t mean he can deal with it well. He allows himself to care too deeply about these people, but claims to himself he’s just having a one-night stand.

You have some screen kisses – are you considerat­e with your lunch choices?

[Laughs.] I mean, chewing gum is good... I think it’s the same as when you go on a date for the first time.

Are there a lot of sex scenes in the show?

We haven’t ramped it up, but they are definitely in there. It shows what you need to see to get the story across.

You’re currently in the US – have you gone full LA? Are you going trips to Soulcycle and only drinking juices?

I have been to Soulcycle and I’ve had juices, but I do it as much as a British person does, in that I go, “Yeah, this will be fun”, and then I don’t go for another six months.

Is it packed with celebs?

I did go to one class, and halfway through the woman said, “We’re very lucky, we’ve got a young British star here today.” And I was like, “Oh God, hello! Who, me? Please!” And she was like, “David Beckham’s here.” I was like, “OK, yeah, sure.” I didn’t for a second think it was me, obviously, but it is that kind of thing where they announce who’s in the room. [Laughs.]

The last thing you want when you’re hot and sweaty...

I know, exactly. But it’s David Beckham – he could be dressed in a bin bag, carrying logs up a hill, and still look good.

Finally, what do you miss when you’re away?

I’d say the Great British

Bake Off ! [Laughs.] I’m obsessed with it. I’m trying to find a way to get it over here. It’s just such a nice, gentle show.

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