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Ferne Mccann on that time she bought alcoholic crab juice


Which trip changed your life? W hen I was 18, I went travelling to Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. It was my first proper holiday on my own. I’d just finished my A-levels and I didn’t want to go to uni, so it was that unscripted part in my life where I felt a bit lost. I went for nearly two months and I backpacked and stayed in hostels – properly slummed it. It was an amazing time and I felt like I really grew up. Where is the coolest hotel you’ve stayed? A hotel called the The Setai Beach in Miami – it was so swanky and the staff waited on me hand and foot. Best bar abroad? When I went to the Amalfi Coast for This Morning with Vicky Pattison recently, we went to this amazing bar on the island of Capri. It’s called Anema e Core, and it’s owned by this old guy who’s seen so many A-listers walk through his doors. Sightseein­g or clubbing? I like a real mixture of the two, and it depends who I’m going away with. I went to Barcelona this year for Sónar Festival, but we only went to a few parties. It was such a lovely city break, as we stayed at the W hotel and got to look and explore. For me, culture and food are massive things, so if you can tie in the two, then that’s perfect. What’s the weirdest souvenir you’ve ever picked up? When I was with Charlie [Sims], we brought this bottle of booze back from Italy, which has a really skinny neck and a crab inside. Apparently, the Italians like to drink it at wedding celebratio­ns, and it’s so strong it can make you hallucinat­e. I call it “the crab juice”. W hen we split up, we had an argument over who was going to take it, and I was determined not to leave the crab juice. I don’t want to ever drink it, though! Where else in the world is on your holiday wishlist? I’d love to go to India. I’m such a foodie, and it’s meant to be so eye-opening and beautiful. I’ve always wanted to go to Japan and China, too. I think they’re the sort of places you have to see with your own eyes instead of in films.

 ??  ?? Striking an Ibiza boat pose in pom-poms In Amalfi with Vicky Pattison Blowing us a kiss from the White Isle Mixing fun and culture in Barcelona Ferne wants to sample colourful spices in India
Striking an Ibiza boat pose in pom-poms In Amalfi with Vicky Pattison Blowing us a kiss from the White Isle Mixing fun and culture in Barcelona Ferne wants to sample colourful spices in India

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