Heat (UK)

Liam is treating Cheryl and Bear to a holiday to make up for being away. Bless him

The 1D star’s got some making up to do


He may not have stopped singing the praises of baby Bear since his arrival three months ago, but heat has learned Liam Payne is apparently feeling guilty about the amount of time he’s spending away from girlfriend Cheryl and their son while he launches his solo career. Luckily for Chez, nothing says sorry like the promise of a luxury sunshine break.

“Liam hates being away from Cheryl and Bear so much, but he knows he has to be if he wants a successful solo career,” our insider says. “Cheryl has been really understand­ing, but she’s been finding it hard.

“As soon as Liam’s done, he’s planning for the three of them to go on holiday, so they can just hang out as a family.”

With the release of his first solo single, Strip That Down, Liam, 23, has already travelled to A merica three times, staying for around a week on each occasion. He’s visited Milan, too, and been on a two-week promo tour of the UK. He also had to make the tough decision to spend his first Father’s Day away from Bear, and insiders say he hopes whisking him and Cheryl off on their first family holiday will make it up to her.

We’re told Bear already has his passport (frankly, we’d sell our own passport for a glimpse of that photo), and they’re deciding on a place to go. “Liam has his house in LA, so they may go there,” our source says. “But it’s a long flight for a young baby, so they’ve also been looking at places in Europe. They don’t want it to be too hot for Bear, but the main thing is that they can just switch off and relax.”

Despite Liam being in America for his first Father’s Day, the usually Instagram-shy Cheryl paid tribute to him on the site. “Happy 1st Father’s Day Liam,” she gushed. “You are the most amazing daddy and the best example for our son. The way he looks at you says it all. Your relationsh­ip melts my heart. You are the centre of his world & We adore you.” And Liam – who revealed Cheryl had given him a Bear necklace as a Father’s Day gift – has confessed how tough being away can be. “Saying goodbye was really difficult,” he’s said. “[Cheryl] was very upset about me leaving, [but] you gotta go to work. I understand why I’m here and there is more reason to be here now – to earn a living and make sure he has the best things ever, because I didn’t have that.”

We’re pretty sure Bear won’t be complainin­g when he grows up.

 ??  ?? Liam smoulders when he’s sorry I’ll get my passport Liam’s Father’s Day necklace
Liam smoulders when he’s sorry I’ll get my passport Liam’s Father’s Day necklace

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