Heat (UK)


Lucy Mecklenbur­gh tells heat how she ditched Brentwood and got herself an Instagoals body


I t’s fair to say that when she was busy getting aggy in Sugar Hut during her TOWIE days, Lucy Mecklenbur­gh already had a banging body and was the poster girl for the show’s “no carbs before Marbs” mantra. But since leaving in 2013, she has reinvented herself as a fitness expert with thousands of women signing up to her Results With Lucy programme. So, what inspired her to go from bar hopping to business woman, and how on Earth did she get her body looking even more incredible than it already did? What made you feel you wanted to change your lifestyle and get healthier? I exercised a lot when I was younger – at school I was really

into sports and dance and stuff – but then I didn’t do anything for years. Then, I remember going on holiday to Mexico about four or five years ago and I was papped. I wasn’t particular­ly big or anything, but I wasn’t in shape. I had no muscle definition and I had cellulite. I just felt a bit disgusting. At the time, I was eating doughnuts for breakfast – that was actually my old breakfast. I knew that when I got home, I needed to make a change. You had an enviable figure, though – did you not see that? I used to be bigger. Now, I’m a size 6-8. Then, I was a size 10-12, and my face was quite puffy because I was drinking a lot of alcohol while filming TOWIE. But it wasn’t even the way I looked, I just felt like I didn’t have any energy in the morning. I didn’t feel great about myself and I knew that I needed to do something about it. I hated the gym, and I still find it intimidati­ng, so I started working with my trainer, Cecilia Harris, who is now my business partner. What changes did she make to your lifestyle? One of the first things she said to me was to have eggs for breakfast every morning. Before that, I was eating something sugary or nothing. I also started training with her three times a week. After three weeks, I was a new person. I woke up feeling completely different. I wasn’t having that 11am craving for tea and biscuits, because I was eating a good breakfast. I just felt great, I had more energy and it honestly changed my life. How did it change the way you felt about your body? For me, it was more mental – being more active just made me feel better. I think I got hooked on that feeling. You do notice the difference physically, too. People start saying your skin is glowing and that gives you a great feeling. Did you have a goal in mind? W hen I first trained, it was to tone up, and to feel better and be healthier. I knew my diet wasn’t good – I was eating far too much sweet things and pasta. Is there anything you have cut out from your diet? I don’t have dairy, because I’m intolerant – I have almond milk instead. I try to avoid processed carbs, such as pasta, and I try not to have ready meals and have reduced my sugar intake, but I don’t cut out whole food groups. What do you eat on a cheat day? W hat don’t I eat on a cheat day? Sometimes I do choose a healthy option if I go out, but I love Thai and Italian food – all the naughty things like pizza, pasta, red wine, cocktails. I definitely indulge on a weekend. What’s your average day like? Your Instagram makes it look like you’re always on holiday or in the gym… It’s not as glamorous as that! I do try and post the normal things, too, like when I have no make-up on, I’m in my PJS and stuffing my face with chocolate cake. But most mornings, I’m training by 7am, then I’ll spend a few hours at my Results By Lucy office. I also work in my shop every Saturday, I do photo shoots and press days or events. I work about six days a week and I love my job, so it doesn’t feel like work. I’m lucky.

‘No one is perfect – what even is perfect?’

Do you cook for yourself, or do you have a secret team of chefs?

No – I wish. I do really enjoy cooking. I’m not sure I’m that amazing at it, but I love cooking up a roast dinner for my family. When I was at school, everything was pre-made microwave meals.

You get a lot of criticism on social media about your body. How do you handle that?

I’m definitely more tolerant to it now, but it’s still hurtful. You’re never going to win – people tell me I’m too fat, and people tell me I’m too thin. But no one is perfect – what even is perfect? You just have to let it go over your head.

Will you ever return to TOWIE?

Probably not. I love the show and it was a massive part of my life, but I don’t see myself going back. That chapter of my life has closed now. Lucy is a British Lion Eggs ambassador. For Lucy’s favourite egg recipes and nutritiona­l info on eggs, visit Eggrecipes.co.uk

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 ??  ?? “Don’t eat doughnuts for breakfast, you doughnuts”
“Don’t eat doughnuts for breakfast, you doughnuts”
 ??  ?? Workin’ those abs and glutes Finishing the L’etape Du Tour bike race in France last year Cheat day treat
Workin’ those abs and glutes Finishing the L’etape Du Tour bike race in France last year Cheat day treat

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