Heat (UK)

Why did pregnant Ferne Mccann have to visit her ex in prison?

The pregnant star left in tears after they discussed their baby


After months of resisting Arthur Collins’ pleas to visit him in prison, Ferne Mccann finally went to see the father of her unborn child – and heat has been told it was a very emotional reunion.

Although it wasn’t an easy decision to make, Ferne felt she had to go as they are having a baby together, even though she has no intention of getting back with him.

“It’s been a roller coaster for Ferne,” a source tells us. “She wants to be strong when she sees him, but it’s difficult because as soon as she sees him, she goes to pieces. He knows how to appeal to her, and that’s how he got her to visit. She didn’t want to, but she finally gave in and was in tears afterwards.

“She visited without anyone knowing and hoped she wouldn’t be spotted, so she’s mortified that it went public. She’s obviously very emotional about everything that has happened, anyway, so this hasn’t helped.” And while Ferne, 27, agreed to visit on the grounds of “discussing the baby”, it seems Arthur – who is standing trial in October for his alleged involvemen­t in an acid attack, which he denies – had other plans.

“Arthur wants Ferne as his girlfriend come the trial,” our insider says. “Before her visit, he had been trying to get in contact with her in various ways. When Ferne finally visited, he said he wants to provide for the child and that his family are so excited, and his mum has started knitting baby clothes.”

Apparently, he even warned Ferne off dating other men, too. “Ferne’s hardly going to be dating in her state, but he still questioned her over her recent trip to the Balearics asking who she was with and whether she went out, and if guys tried to talk to her. He can be very possessive,” our insider says.

The result? Ferne is finding it harder than ever to cope during what should be the happiest time of her life. “Instead of telling Arthur to f**k off, Ferne has been defending herself, and feeling bad about going on holiday to Mallorca. It seems, at times, that he still has an emotional hold over her – even from behind bars. But she’s determined not to let this ruin her joy at the prospect of becoming a mum.”

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