Heat (UK)

Binky: ‘I want to be sexy again for JP’

The new mum is working out seven days a week


She only gave birth to her daughter India in June, but Binky Felstead isn’t letting a little thing like caring for a newborn stop her bringing sexy back. According to insiders, Binks is terrified about losing the spark in the bedroom with baby daddy Josh “JP” Patterson and feels insecure about her post-baby body. Her solution? A serious diet and fitness overhaul – because who needs rest?

“Binky’s one big worry right now is making it work with JP,” a friend tells heat. “She wants to feel sexy again and get her ‘banging body’ back, so she’s been running herself ragged, working out up to seven days a week.”

The 26 year old recently posted a pic of herself in the gym, with the caption, “Sweating it out on my own today.” And while, during her pregnancy, she spoke about regaining her strength and fitness in a balanced and gradual way, friends worry that Binky is being far too hard on herself. “Some of us feel as though she needs to chill out,” our insider adds. “She’s always worrying about someone else – if not India, then JP or her mum or her friends. They think she needs to relax and take things slower, but Binky doesn’t listen. She wants to see the results now.”

Last month, we saw Binks laughing with a friend about her lack of a sex life on her spin-off show Born In Chelsea, admitting that, a month after giving birth, she and JP hadn’t had sex yet – but that she had given him some, ahem, oral attention. But, behind the smile, friends say the star is racked with insecuriti­es.

This is despite JP’S public declaratio­ns of love. Last week, he posted a picture to Instagram of the two together, and wrote, “Binks felt insecure about this photo because of her post-baby body. So I wanted to upload it to show how beautiful I think she is!” But despite his insistence­s, Binky remains unconvince­d.

“JP assures her everything is fine, but she sometimes worries that if they don’t have an active sex life, then something’s wrong,” our source tells us. “She knows that if she works out, she’ll feel sexier and be in the mood more often. It’s a classic case of Binky wanting to have it all – but when she sets her sights on something, she usually achieves it.” n

 ??  ?? This is what she’s working for
This is what she’s working for
 ??  ?? JP and India: Mega-awww
JP and India: Mega-awww
 ??  ?? I’ve already brought sexy back, babes
I’ve already brought sexy back, babes

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