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‘It’s been a tough year for David and Tracy’

The Emmerdale star explains how David manages to mess up again


If there’s one thing you can rely on Emmerdale’s David Metcalfe to do, it’s to cock up. Happily married to Tracy (after some tense “will they won’t they” wedding day shenanigan­s), he has a canny ability to mess things up.

Next week David’s at it again, after he finds Leyla drunk, in her wedding dress, feeling sorry for herself, and offers to lend her money to get out of her financial predicamen­t. Why is that so bad? Well, because he’s basically given away his and Tracy’s holiday money. D’oh!

Actor Matthew Wolfenden explains what (if anything) is going through his character David’s head...

How have things been between David and Tracy recently?

I think it’s been a tough year for them. They haven’t had a great deal of time to put energy into their own relationsh­ip, as they’ve been supporting so many family members. They’ve had all [David’s dad] Pollard’s problems to deal with, plus the Jacob and Josh situation. This all came on the back of David’s cancer. Also,tracy has had her dad, Frank, to worry about. So, I think they need some quality time together to just focus on each other.

But Leyla soon comes between them, doesn’t she?

Poor Leyla, she’s really a mess. She is wallowing in her own pity. She is really upset, so he ignores all Tracy’s calls and focuses on Leyla’s problem. He hears all about her money worries and, before he knows what he’s done, he’s given her all his and Tracy’s holiday money.

Uh oh. Tracy won’t take that well…

He clumsily breaks the news to her in front of everyone at her birthday party, so she’s really upset, but has to try and look OK about it. But she walks out... So he quickly realises he’s messed up.

Why is she so upset?

Tracy explains it’s not about jealousy, it’s about feeling second best. She should have been consulted – they are meant to be a team.

Does David still have any lingering feelings for Leyla?

He is very fond of her, but I don’t think he looks at her like that. He’s happily married to Tracy.

How much trouble do you think this will cause their relationsh­ip?

Keep watching this week!

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 ??  ?? Good samaritan or bad husband?
Good samaritan or bad husband?

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