Heat (UK)

Rainbow cheese toastie


Give the humble cheese toastie a magical twist. Created by the team at the Grill My Cheese sandwich shop, this oozy snack actually contains beetroot, rocket and truffle oil (turns out unicorns are health conscious, too). Just make sure you ’gram it before it gets cold.

Ingredient­s: Serves 4

1 red onion, roughly chopped 4tbsp olive oil 2 small dabs of blue food colouring gel 600g grated cheese (Cheddar, Gruyère and mozzarella)

50g cooked beetroot 100g rocket 8 slices of sourdough bread, buttered on one side 200g fresh goat’s cheese Truffle oil, for drizzling


1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/GAS 6. 2. For the blue, toss the onion in 1tsp of the olive oil and spread out on a baking tray. Roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until softened, then remove and leave to cool before blending to a fine purée. Add the blue food colouring and mix well. Combine with 200g of the grated cheese mixture.

3. For the pink, process the beetroot to a purée using a blender. Transfer to a bowl and mix in 200g of the remaining grated cheese.

4. For the green, blend together the rocket and the remaining 3tbsp olive oil until it reaches a fine paste consistenc­y. Mix well into the remaining 200g of the grated cheese mixture.

5. To assemble the sandwiches, place the bread slices buttered side down, so that they are vertical to you. Add the three coloured mixtures, in equal segments, down the long end of one slice. Start with the pink, then blue and finally the green.

6. Break up the goat’s cheese and divide between each topped bread slice. Drizzle with a little truffle oil, close the sandwiches and cook using your preferred method. Leave the cooked sandwiches to sit for about 30 seconds before slicing each in half. Camera phones at the ready!

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