Heat (UK)

Toff’s Made In Chelsea co-star Ollie Locke tells us the jungle babe isn’t really a toff at all, and why she’s got a soft spot for Stanley

Her friend says she’s not a real, er, toff


We’re going to be honest: we didn’t much rate Georgia “Toff ” Toffolo’s chances of doing well on I’m A Celeb before the show started. We thought the Made In Chelsea star might be a bit of a pampered princess, but it turns out she’s more Old Kent Road than King’s Road – no wonder she doesn’t mind cleaning out the dunny.

“Toff ’s persona is a lot more posh than she actually is,” her fellow MIC star Ollie Locke tells heat. “Her speaking voice has become a lot posher since she’s lived in Chelsea. She’s a really down-to-earth bird. I’ve met Toff ’s dad before and he’s like [assumes broad Cockney accent], ‘Awright, son – how ya doin?’” Who would have thought it?

One thing about Toff, 22, that hasn’t come as a shock is her political affiliatio­n. She describes herself as “centre-right” and freely admits to reading Margaret Thatcher’s biography, volume two. She also has a bit of a thing for Conservati­ve politician Jacob Rees-mogg, 48. And he’s not the only older Tory to get Toff’s knickers in a twist. “She f**king loves Boris Johnson,” Ollie tells us, which may explain her fascinatio­n with his dad – and her fellow campmate – Stanley, 77.

Despite Toff ’s tastes for an older man, her actual romantic trysts have happened with people a little closer to her own age. She hooked up with Sam Thompson before she first appeared on Made In Chelsea during series seven (this may have been referred to literally once, but we have not forgotten). She also had sexy times with everyone’s favourite MIC ginger Francis Boulle during the series that was set in the south of France. She claims to be single at the moment, but friends say she’s still dating on/off boyf James Middleton (not that one), and the pair were pictured looking cosy days before she flew to Oz.

Whatever her relationsh­ip status, Toff has won over a lot of new male (and female) fans with her amazing figure, as she showers in the jungle. She has previously told heat that she puts it down to “walking everywhere”. When asked if she was body confident, she said, “Yes. I would like to have bigger boobs, but that’s about it.” ■ GEORGINA TERRY

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Toff: plenty to be confident about
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