Heat (UK)

Star of the year debbie mcgee

heat meets Strictly’s unlikely star


Can you believe how well you’ve done? You’re the nation’s sweetheart… No, not in any shape or form. I get tingles when you say it – I can’t tell you how amazing it makes me feel.

What’s your one pinch-yourself moment?

There have been lots. When I found out I’d got Giovanni as my partner. I really wanted to be with him – we’d done a couple of trial dances together and I knew we had chemistry. And Craig on his knees! Oh, and Shirley giving me her Latin Queen crown.

Is there a Strictly secret santa?

I haven’t heard about one. I’ll have to organise it.

What do you hope to find under the tree?

The Glitterbal­l trophy. It would be too heavy to go on top of the tree. I don’t need anything else this Christmas.

Are you looking forward to putting your feet up over Christmas?

I’ve only got Christmas Day off. I’m doing two panto shows a day, but I love it. I’ll spend the day itself with my family, so I’ll put my feet up and eat.

What’s your favourite thing on your Christmas plate?

Definitely roast potatoes.

Will you be treating yourself to a well-earned glass of Champers?

Definitely Champagne or Prosecco on Christmas Day. I do like cocktails, too. But I’m not a big drinker.

Any Mcgee traditions we should know about?

I just love Christmas – Paul and I both did. In the panto, my dressing room will be covered in cards. I decorate the room and put little candles out and fairy lights everywhere. It will be a grotto.

What are your New Year’s resolution­s?

Probably just to chill a bit more. And be a bit more efficient in my office – I’m good at procrastin­ating and saying I’ll do things tomorrow.

Hopes for 2018?

I’m waiting to see whether I get the Strictly tour. If so, I’ll do that. At the moment, my agent is getting a lot of offers. Nothing’s concrete, but there are lots of balls in the air. n

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