Heat (UK)

Cheryl’s finally getting the dream Christmas she always wanted with Liam and Bear. You deserve it, pet

All you need to know about baby Bear's lavish first Christmas


It’s true – good things really do come to those who wait. Just ask Cheryl. After years of heartache, she’s finally getting her perfect Christmas, thanks to boyfriend Liam Payne and baby son Bear. The couple plan to spend their first Christmas as parents at their home in Surrey, surrounded by their extended family and, of course, lots of presents for eight-month-old Bear.

“Cheryl wants this Christmas to be absolutely perfect, as it will be their first as a family – she wants everything to be just right,” an insider tells heat. “She’s gone so OTT, but she can’t help herself. She’s spent thousands on presents for him, including a kids’ ride-on sports car, as well as loads of baby musical instrument­s and all the toys any child could ever need. Liam and her mum have banned her from buying any more gifts, but she doesn’t care. She feels this is finally her first-ever proper family Christmas and she wants to enjoy it. She’s gone all-out.”

We’re told the thought of her first festive season as a mum gets Chezza – who has been divorced twice – quite teary, as this is how she always imagined things would be. “Cheryl says nothing has ever compared to this before and that having children is what it’s all about,” our Chiam insider goes on. “She’s quite emotional about it – this is what she wished for and dreamed of. She’s saying she’s pinching herself every day and it’s a dream come true. It’s also the first of her and Liam’s family Christmase­s, and hopefully there will be more kids to come, so she thinks it’s important to start their own traditions. She’s been reading up loads about all the old Christmas customs, just to make sure she gets it right. They’ll be hanging up stockings for everyone and leaving out mince pies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer. She’s also bought Bear loads of adorable fancy dress outfits – he’ll be everything from a cute little elf to Santa – and he’s got a full designer outfit for Christmas Day.” And, as it’s the season of goodwill, we’re hoping Cheryl will share a family snap with Bear all dressed up (we can but dream).

As heat has reported, Liam will unfortunat­ely miss most of the run-up to Christmas, as he’s away

working in the US, but when he gets home, he’ll return to a house full of people – whether he likes it or not. “Cheryl has invited her sister, brother, mum and all the nieces and nephews down from Newcastle, and is throwing them a Winter Wonderland party at the house, which she thinks Bear will love,” our source says. “She’s arranging for Santa to come and visit all the kids. Then she’s planned a big family dinner on Christmas Day, with a profession­al chef in the kitchen to save [ mum] Joan having to cook for everyone.”

But nothing really says Christmas like a few family fallouts. Our insider says, “As always with having lots of family around, there could be a few dramas and bit of tension, especially as they’re all such strong characters. But Cheryl wants them all to get along, although she knows there will be a few arguments when the games come out! Liam really gets on with Cheryl’s family, but after being away so long, he thinks it would’ve been nice to spend some quality time together, just the three of them. He knows how important this is to her, though, and making the perfect Christmas for Bear is the priority. He’s also insisted they do a big party just for their friends, too.”

And they may as well make the most of the house in its festive state, as Cheryl has gone slightly overboard with the decoration­s. “She has put so much effort into making the place feel as Christmass­y as possible,” our source adds. “She’s even had the nursery decorated. Babies love lights, so it was a case of the more the merrier. Bear will happily sit in front of the lights for ages, he’s so enthralled with them.”

But it won’t just be Bear who will be spoilt

‘Cheryl has gone all-out with her Christmas shopping’

this year. “Cheryl has gone large with her Christmas shopping for everyone, although Liam is proving difficult,” our source says. “She keeps asking, ‘ What do you get for the guy who has everything money could buy?’ But she wants to come up with something special for him, as well as something sentimenta­l to mark Bear’s first Christmas.

“Cheryl is also showering her mum with gifts – she’s been such a huge support this year and Cheryl says she can’t imagine doing it without her. She’s always been generous with presents for her family, so her brother and sister will be treated, as will all the nieces and nephews. Nobody will want for anything.

“She’s also dropped a few hints to Liam about getting some nice jewellery, but she’s not too fussed. It’s all about Bear and she couldn’t be happier.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Bear won’t be getting Yeezy trainers – he’s already got some
Bear won’t be getting Yeezy trainers – he’s already got some
 ??  ?? It’s nice to see Cheryl in an elfy relationsh­ip. Sorry
It’s nice to see Cheryl in an elfy relationsh­ip. Sorry
 ??  ?? Such a comical couple
Such a comical couple
 ??  ?? “Awww, Mam”
“Awww, Mam”
 ??  ?? She’ll have to do a lot to beat last year’s lights
She’ll have to do a lot to beat last year’s lights
 ??  ?? I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus
I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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