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Davina Mccall


‘I like my bum any size, as long as it’s rock hard’

Davina, 50, is the First Lady of fitness D and her simple, doable exercise DVDS, along with her boundless enthusiasm, have inspired thousands of women to get into shape. As she launches her latest programme Davina’s Toned In 10 (available on Blu-ray, DVD and digital download now), we spoke to the star about how she feels about her body.

What’s your fitness regime like?

I work out at home a lot using downloads or DVDS, because they’re perfect if I’m short of time, and just as effective as going to the gym.

You quit sugar. Would you ever give up caffeine, too?

Absolutely not. I drink eight cups of tea a day and I double bag sometimes.

Is there anything else you’ve given up?

No, and I must stop giving things up. I need to take something up that’s bad for me. Maybe I’ll start riding a motorbike. I need to take up something naughty. Maybe extreme knitting.

Do you think you’d go crazy if you ate a Mars bar now?

I think I’d feel pretty horrible. But then, maybe at the end, I’d want another one. That’s the thing with sugar – it’s so immediate for me and I want more.

You used to have a bigger bum – do you miss it?

I like my bum any which way, really. As long as it’s rock hard, I don’t really mind.

It’ll have its own Instagram soon…

It’s definitely got its own Twitter account. If you look up “Davina’s bum”, you’ll find it.

What one thing that you’ve done has revolution­ised your life?

Obviously, exercise. And it’s not just about the way you look, it’s about the way that you feel, which has such a profound effect on the way you interact with people and behave and carry yourself, and your mental health. It’s just brilliant in every single way. When I’m talking about exercise, I’m not saying you have to run half marathons or go to the gym every day. A brisk walk in the countrysid­e or round the block can be really good for your noggin. Just get out and do something. Anything.

 ??  ?? She could crush walnuts in her armpits
She could crush walnuts in her armpits

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