Heat (UK)

Rochelle Humes

Each month, we catch up with one of our mates on the Three couch, as they reveal all


WHAT WAS THE LAST TWEET YOU DELETED? It was probably a picture of me thinking I looked good, then waking up and being like, “Whoa!” It’s more likely to be an Instagram pic than a tweet. WHEN DID YOU LAST SHOUT AT SOMEONE? This morning. My daughter was taking too long to get ready for school! WHAT IS THE LAST THING THAT MADE YOU CRY? The Voice Kids, when someone got through. It was a happy cry. WHAT WAS THE LAST LIE YOU TOLD? I told my personal trainer I didn’t feel well, but I was fine. WHAT WAS THE LAST PHOTO YOU TOOK? Probably of my kids. It’s usually something like that. WHO WAS YOUR LAST KISS WITH? Well, if I didn’t say Marvin, this would be a really worrying interview! WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE WAY OF STAYING IN TOUCH WHILE ON HOLIDAY? Whatsapp. WHAT SONG ARE YOU STREAMING? Justin Bieber’s one. I don’t know any of the words – [sings]

“Despacito…” That’s all I know, but I really like it. WHICH BOX SET DO YOU BINGE-WATCH? Scandal, a million per cent. I love that show, or Orange Is The New Black. WHAT’S YOUR GO-TO FILM? Pretty Woman or Bridget Jones. WHAT’S THE WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO YOU ON TV? I was hosting for Lorraine last week, or the week before last, and on my first day, one of the guests swore live on air. Then, on my second day, the exact same thing happened. On my third day, I had to tell a guest as they sat down not to swear. I haven’t had to do that before but, yeah, swearing live on air, two days in a row. Twitter- @Rochellehu­mes Instagram- @rochellehu­mes

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