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The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


ARIES 20 Mar-19 Apr Vroom, vroom! Your year starts with a super-charged 10th house of career. Go for your goals aided by oodles of energy and everything will fall into place. But you must watch that need to go full throttle – socially as well – or you’ll be in danger of burning out.

LUCKY ENGINE: Ferrari TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May Singletons may meet their match later this week, as Venus travels with your love planet Pluto. For partners, think pure bliss. Another superb Venus aspect in your career house hints that you’re on fire. Now is the time to make sure those great ideas are heard.

LUCKY EMOJI: Red heart GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun You’re hard to resist. With your ruler Mercury in your 7th house of love this week, you’ll sweep your partner off their tootsies. This also makes you a dream friend, as you nurture your closest acquaintan­ces. But do make some quiet, reflective time for yourself, too. LUCKY DESCRIPTIO­N: Saintly CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul Don’t feel you’re treading water at work. You need to put in a bit of boring legwork now for the really productive stuá coming up in a few months. Health-wise, with 60 per cent of planets in stressful alignment, focus on a healthier diet.

LUCKY ATTRIBUTE: Patience LEO 23 Jul-23 Aug A natural Leo leader, you rarely go with the flow. But all planets in your social western sector force a step back. Relax, adapt and you’ll enjoy a laid-back work week. Elsewhere, don’t take responsibi­lity for sorting a thorny family issue. LUCKY RARE MOOD: Reticent VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sep You’ll view this week through rose-tinted specs. And with all planets moving forward, this optimism is bang-on. But don’t let a pessimisti­c friend ruin the mood. A sweet Venus aspect hints that some retail therapy will have you purring with delight.

LUCKY COLOUR: Pink LIBRA 23 Sep-22 Oct Your elegant style comes at a price. But a marvellous Mars/jupiter aspect hints that you can aáfford a treat this week. Just don’t go all out. Elsewhere, with a dominant social sector of your chart, you happily focus on others. You selfless thing, you!

LUCKY HALLMARK: A big heart SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov No dithering – it’s prime time to launch projects (thank those forward-moving planets). Also needing attention now is an irksome work issue. It’ll be tougher to deal with if you leave it. LUCKY MOMENTUM: Full speed ahead SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec It’s high time to make those changes you’ve been deferring at both home and work – the cosmic momentum behind you shrieks success. Ditto any fitness or detox regimes, if you fancy. You could make a real diáerence to your health.

LUCKY SAYING: Strike while the iron’s hot CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan That killer work ethic of yours kicks in this week. Your skills and legendary patience are enhanced as the planets move forward, and you’ll get a well-earned work boost. As dynamic as you are, you know to conserve energy, but you still need to make time to veg out.

LUCKY CAREER MODE: Stellar AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb Your reflective nature pays offá. A superb Sun/pluto aspect means that getting it right spirituall­y helps your work and love life fall into place. Elsewhere, bite your tongue if a colleague is fake. You hate insincerit­y, but you really don’t need the hassle right now.

LUCKY PHRASE: Que será, será PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar It’s win, win this week. Mercury in your 10th house signals work success blooming with help from social connection­s. And a miraculous Mars/jupiter aspect hints at money in the bank. Keep the momentum.

LUCKY TRAJECTORY: Up, up and away!


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