Heat (UK)

Feel-good FIXES

Here’s how heat’s Editorial Director Lucie Cave gets her daily kicks…


I t’s the little things that can really brighten up your day – that 3pm coffee hit, or picking up The New National Lottery Lucky Fortune Scratchcar­d. Giving us a peek into her life, heat’s own Lucie Cave shares her feel-good fixes…

When I get compliment­ed.

I always think that I look a mess in the mornings, but recently, I was on the Tube and someone said, “When I have a baby, I hope I look as stylish as you.” It totally made my day.

When Joey Essex makes me laugh.

My friend Joey is always making me laugh. When I was pregnant with my son Ridley, he wanted me to call my baby Reem. Now, he keeps asking to babysit – I haven’t taken him up on this offer yet! And when I took Ridley for his first haircut, Joey thought he looked so cute, he decided he wanted to cut Ridley’s hair next time around. Again, another offer I think I might politely refuse…

When I whack on eyeliner and lippie.

Ridley is a little buzzy bee that I chase everywhere. When I get a second, I whack on my favorite eyeliner or a bright lippie and feel ready to rule the streets.

When my son does something cute.

I love morning time with Ridley. He always wakes up with mad professor hair. Too cute.

When I get some juicy celebrity gossip.

I get a buzz from a great celeb interview where they’ve told me lots of juicy secrets. Ooooh!

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