Heat (UK)

Mic ’s liv & Harry talk to Heat

The duo spill the beans on heartache, hate tweets and Prince Hazza to

- Kay Ribeiro

Ican’t get Champagne on my suit,” Harry Baron informs us, suddenly serious. “You’ve made me want to pour the whole bottle over you,” laughs Olivia Bentley, his Made In Chelsea co-star, in her throaty, super-posh voice. To be fair, it’s good to see her laugh. Ever since she descended into an uncharacte­ristic life of domesticit­y with boyfriend Digby Edgley, only for their love bubble to slowly deflate (it all came to a head this week, and it wasn’t pretty), the 23 year old has been a shadow of her formerly feisty self. There have been tears, recriminat­ions, and even a last-minute think-about-if-youwant-to-dump-your-boyfriend trip to Sri Lanka, courtesy of close friend and unlikely agony uncle, Harry. Ah, yes, Mr Baron...

Since joining the show last year, 28 year old Harry has become the villain of the piece, with people accusing him of “snakey” and “shady” behaviour, so we’re fully prepared not to warm to him at today’s shoot. Yet, in the flesh, HB is – shock horror – actually a nice guy. Polite and charming, he totally wins us over (although we obviously reserve the right to change our minds according to his role in whatever high drama sweeps Chelsea next). But before we get into all that, we’ve got another Harry we want to chat about...

So, are you going to Harry and Meghan’s wedding?

H: We’re both going to be at the royal wedding, yes.

Yeah, we are. You’re the best man, aren’t you?

Yeah, I’m the best man and you’re the maid of honour. Can you imagine Harry being best man? L: That would be hilarious. Harry taking the other Harry on a stag do…

H: Harry times two. Will you be watching the wedding on Saturday? H: I’ll be running into the church. L: “I object! I fancy her!” H: No, but I will be watching . It’s an iconic event. Liv, this week’s MIC episode was intense. Have you spoken to Digby since? L: Erm, yes. How did it go?

L: It obviously didn’t go well. I was trying to get Digby to really understand what I meant [about how she was feeling about their relationsh­ip]. So, I ended up doing stupid things like going on a night out with my boobs out, trying to get a rise out of him, in the hope of him saying something.

Yeah, I don’t think Digby would understand what the real problem

was. I think you wanted to show him there was an issue by acting out, but he still wasn’t realising it. Harry, you’ve got a reputation for being a stirrer. Justified?

H: I don’t think I am. Obviously, I have done some shady things in the past, I do recognise that. In terms of a relationsh­ip, I’ve never been in one on the show. So, people are very quick to judge, like, “Oh, Harry’s a cheat, Harry’s going to do this, he’s doing that…” But hopefully, at the end of this series, people will go, “Oh, Harry’s actually a bit of a stand-up guy.”

L: That’s not going to happen! You told Sam Prince’s girlfriend he would cheat on her within two months… H: To be fair, I was bang on. L: I loved that, that scene made me die. Actually, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, because I said, “I’ll give you two months”, and it took him, like, two days! Jamie Laing called you a “f**king wanker” for flirting with his girlfriend Frankie… H: But Frankie always entertaine­d it. So, you guys are good friends. How did you meet? H: I used to take Liv out clubbing about eight years ago.

I used to look like an absolute strumpet and wear chicken fillets and long black hair extensions.

I looked like a little Justin Bieber. I was a club promoter in the West End, and I used to think I was the absolute shit. Basically, I was paid to bring girls into clubs.

And I was one of them that came on the reg!

You were one of the lucky many.

Now Liv’s back on the market, will you be partying hard?

L: No, probably not. Me and Baz did it for so many years, we’re kind of over it now.

I think we’ve had enough fun for nearly a whole lifetime.

I don’t really want to go back to that. Being hungover is the pits, it’s horrible. You know what? We used to be clubbing buddies, but now I go to Harry with the serious crap and go crying to him. The thing about Baron is, he’s one of the few friends who will tell me if I’ve been a prick, and I actually listen to it. You need someone like that. We’re seeing a whole new side to Harry today… L: He is actually one of the nicest

people. And you get a lot of stick for someone who doesn’t act as badly.

I think, if the cameras were there 24-7, people would get a better, fuller version of myself. Harry, tell us one thing about Liv no one knows?

H: Liv obviously comes from a lovely family and a well-off background. I think her parents wanted her to be a little bit grounded, so they made her get a part-time job once, working in a garden centre.

I made quiches for old people. I’m not joking. They would bring buses and buses of nursing home people, and I would be making quiches for them. That was my life – I did that and then

‘We’re all just an incestuous bunch of weirdos, really’

went straight to Made In Chelsea. What were your quiches like? L: They were actually pretty banging. It made you grounded, though, right? [Laughs] Any secrets about Harry, Liv? H: Not from the vault-vault. L: Well, this is common knowledge, but Harry loves a good bit of Benefit Hoola bronzer. Are you wearing some now?

H: We’re doing a photo shoot, I need a tan!

I actually lost my shit with him in Ibiza. Everyone was going into each other’s rooms and doing things, and I went mad and said, “No one is to go in my room,” and stormed out. When I came back in, f**king Baron was in my bathroom using my bronzer. I was like, “Are you taking the piss?” I was like, “It’s one thing to use my mirror, but then to tuck into my bronzer…” It just makes you look a bit more tanned. I was feeling a bit pale at the time. It was our first day in Ibiza. Have you ever blurred the line of friendship? We haven’t had sex. But we have kissed, though. We’ve been

on a few dates, which were fun. I would take you out, we’d order some nice food and I’d go, “Shall we just get bollocksed?” We’d have two bottles of wine each.

There was no flirting. I think we’re too similar, and we realised it was just friendship. You’ve both hooked up with a lot of your co-stars. Does it ever get awkward? L: No, you get used to it. We’re all just an incestuous bunch of weirdos, really. What’s the most embarrassi­ng thing to happen to you on a night out?

L: I used to wear a hair piece, like a full-on wig. One night, I went home with a guy, and at the end of the night, it got a bit sweaty and I took it off and put it on the floor. Anyway, in the morning, I woke up and he was like, “I’m really allergic to cats.” I was like, “That’s weird, I don’t own a cat.” He pointed at the wig and I was like, “F**k.” So, I went over and picked it up and stroked it, as if it was a cat, out of my room. It was literally awful, I stroked my own wig. I’ve got one. It was before I was dating Melissa… I’m going to tell this one! When he’s single, Harry’s go-to is a bottle of rosé at the corner table of the Bluebird on a first date. So, a few of us were there having drinks, and we saw the lone wolf in the corner with a girl. I went over, she didn’t know who I was, and I said, “I’m so sorry, Sir, but your card has been declined.” Then the girl he was sort of going out with came in and saw you on a date! Safe to say, that date went down like a sack of shit. I was fuming. When the episodes of MIC air, do you avoid Twitter? H: I don’t have a Twitter account, but occasional­ly, I like to go on and have a look. I find it hilarious.

Some of the comments are so funny.

Even when people are slagging you off, I love reading it. When people go, “He’s a bell end.” I’m like, “Yeah, I am!” It’s so jokes. On Instagram, it’s a bit different…

On Instagram, if someone is nasty, I just block them straight away.

Oh, really? I quite like it. But, at the moment, I’m not getting that much hate.

That’s because you haven’t behaved badly. I’ve behaved like an absolute slut bag.

 ??  ?? No suits were damaged during the taking of this photo
No suits were damaged during the taking of this photo
 ??  ?? Porsche spice: Harry and Liv burn rubber
Porsche spice: Harry and Liv burn rubber
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 ??  ?? Liv and Digby, before their soap bubble burst
Liv and Digby, before their soap bubble burst
 ??  ?? “It’s not you, it’s me” INTERVIEW
“It’s not you, it’s me” INTERVIEW
 ??  ?? Liv drowns her sorrows
Liv drowns her sorrows
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Harry and Frankie: just friends
Harry and Frankie: just friends
 ??  ??

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