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The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


ARIES 20 Mar-19 Apr

There may be a few niggles ahead, but money isn’t one of them. A superb Uranus aspect hints at exciting earning potential this week, possibly something online. Elsewhere, a normally boring task or duty becomes a hoot when someone else gets involved.

LUCKY EMOJI: Tears of laughter

TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May

When it comes to body confidence, you’d give Modern Family’s Ariel Winter a run for her money this week, thanks to the Sun in your 1st house. Go with it. Elsewhere, a friend who isn’t feeling strong needs your encouragem­ent.

LUCKY POSTURE: Chin up, shoulders back

GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun

Already inquisitiv­e (not nosey, obviously), you go into overdrive this week with a spiritual Uranus aspect. There are changes ahead and you’re not afraid to step up. Health-wise, while your mind races, exercise will help calm you down, so get out there.

LUCKY AIM: Getting answers

CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul

You’re especially good with money this week, courtesy of a super Sun aspect. Trust your instincts with a bargain. In fact, your sixth sense is spot on with family as well. If you feel someone close needs extra support, act on it.


LEO 23 Jul-23 Aug

Are you up for a career change? A 10th house/uranus combo hints at a different take on work, so there’s no harm in doing a little job research. At home, dedicate some time to declutteri­ng. You always feel more clear-headed with a tidier place.

LUCKY AIM: Great changes

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sep

You’re the worrier of the zodiac, and Mars in your 6th house doesn’t help right now. Put any health niggles to rest with a GP appointmen­t. You can also blame Mars for ramping up job pressure. Just remember that it’s very short-lived.

LUCKY DESIRE: Chilling out

LIBRA 23 Sep-22 Oct

Pity your poor work rivals – they’re going down. Your ruler Venus enters your 10th house of career this week, meaning you’re at the top of your game. Keep the momentum going. Elsewhere, a contact may become a friend if you let them.


SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov

Love is hard work sometimes. A trying Saturn/pluto aspect hints you must pin down problem areas in your relationsh­ip. There may be squabbles, but it’ll be worth it. Elsewhere, a chance meeting could boost you at work.

LUCKY SAYING: This too will pass

SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec

There may be a wobble at work this week (blame a tough Uranus aspect). You know you can handle it, so no fuss and crack on. On the home front, though, there may be a couple of lovely surprises to even out the balance.

LUCKY FORECAST: Light and breezy

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan

You may have a real brainwave this week. Your financial planet Uranus in your 5th house hints that inspiratio­n could strike while you’re having fun or relaxing. Record all details. Health-wise, it’s a prime time to upgrade your diet with more wholesome food.

LUCKY EMOJI: Lightbulb

AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb

This week, a cloud lifts in your life. Venus in your 6th house indicates good emotional health when worries are resolved. See, you’re feeling sunnier already. Work-wise, don’t take an issue too personally. Carry on and you will get your own way.


PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar

Your mission this week is not to look smug. Uranus finally quits your 2nd house and the money situation is solid. Now you can focus on things like family, possibly neglected recently. There’s a happy gathering on the horizon.


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