Heat (UK)

‘I don’t shower as much as I should’

We asked presenter Maya Jama, 24, to step inside our booth for a good grilling


What’s the name of your top Whatsapp group?

“Gang Business”. It’s my girl group chat with eight of us in there. We arrange games nights and share funny pictures.

Who’s the most famous person in your phone book?

Probably my boyfriend [Stormzy]. That’s jokes, isn’t it?

What’s your biggest fear?

I hate mice, but having regrets is my biggest. To go through life, and look back and think, “I wish I’d done all this stuff.”

What’s your most-used emoji?

The love heart. Pure love.

If your life was live streamed, what wouldn’t you want people to know?

Oh God, I’d probably get arrested. I wouldn’t want people to know the personal bits, like farting. Obviously, we all do it, but I’d rather the world didn’t hear my farts. I probably don’t shower as much as I should, either.

What’s your best physical attribute?

I don’t have a favourite feature, but my eyes are alright.

What was the last lie you told?

Last night, I had a birthday party and said I was late because of a job, but really I needed extra time to get ready. I always say I’m working late, but really I’m just changing my mind about what colour toenails I want.

Did you ever skive off school?

Only near the end of school, in year 11, when I knew what I could get away with. I’d also just pretend to be ill to my mum. I pulled a lot of sickies when I was younger. True Love Or True Lies? continues every Monday, MTV, 9pm

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