Heat (UK)

Brad gets his kids back

But Ange is already plotting revenge


If even we are sick of their court battle, we can’t imagine how D-O-N-E Brad and Angelina Jolie are at this point. And last week – after two solid years of furious fights and sniping at each other in the headlines – the estranged couple have finally reached a custody arrangemen­t, with Brad apparently getting shared custody, which Ange had protested.

Brad and Ange, 43 – who split in 2016 – headed to court last week to yet again discuss their six children, Maddox, 17, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and ten-yearold twins Knox and Vivienne. Angelina’s lawyer, Samantha Bley Dejean confirmed,“a custody arrangemen­t… has been signed by both parties and the judge. The agreement, which is based on the recommenda­tions of the child custody evaluator, eliminates the need for a trial. The filing and details of the agreement are confidenti­al to protect the best interests of the children.”

But that doesn’t mean the actress is ready to let go of her vendetta. “Angelina is sick to death of the way she’s been demonised, and she’s more than ready to fight back,” says heat’s insider. “Part of their settlement includes a clause preventing her from directly publicly trashing him, but Ange is smart enough to find a way around that.”

The insider continues, “She’s planning a series of TV interviews that will likely be promoting charities that support causes such as single mums dealing with alcoholic dads. Obvious digs at Brad that can’t get her in trouble. He shouldn’t underestim­ate her…”

 ??  ?? Happy days, Brad
Happy days, Brad
 ??  ?? Angelina and the kids
Angelina and the kids

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