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Workout Wifeys

Make like the Victoria’s Secret models and start sweating over a new relationsh­ip...


The right workout partner can be the difference between lukewarm results and total flames. Research shows that a regular workout buddy can impact hugely on our levels of exertion and mood during exercise, with one study showing that 95 per cent of those who started a fitness regime with a pal completed the programme, compared to a 76 per cent completion rate for those sweating solo. “I often see friends that start working out together getting better results than they did when they worked out alone,” says Nicole Prasad, PT and manager at Target Fit gym, east London. Here’s why finding a burpee buddy could be the simplest solution to your body goals.


You might already be pretty dedicated at the gym, but the right workout partner can often force you to tap into those extra energy reserves, to push through the last few torturous reps. “People gravitate towards the exercise behaviours of those around them,” says Nicole. “Seeing someone else powering through will often be the thing that helps you nail the last round of squats or burpees. It’s why so many people invest in a personal trainer, to push them over the finishing line. But the benefits from committing to exercising with a friend can be just as good – and a lot cheaper!”


Exercise doesn’t have to be serious business – the more enjoyable you can make it, the more you’ll look forward to your workouts and the longer you will stay committed. “Not only is working out with a friend enjoyable, it also has actual health benefits,” explains Nicole. “Exercise releases endorphins, but smiling and laughter have been shown to increase endorphin levels even further. So, if you’re working out with someone who makes you smile, this can boost your mood, which makes you feel more energised, and likely to push yourself harder.”


Having someone spot you when you’re squatting or bench-pressing can make working out safer and more productive. They can keep an eye on your form, correct mistakes, hand you heavy weights and just make sure you’re getting the most out of your workout time. “A good friend will – quite literally – have your back,” says Nicole. “She’ll be able to correct minor mistakes, like telling you if your plank is slipping or that your bum’s not low enough on that squat. Plus, there’s power in numbers, so trying that new class or going for a run in the woods will seem less intimidati­ng.”


Research has shown that a thing called Social Comparison Theory (comparing yourself to and competing against others) can positively impact on an individual’s mood and levels of exertion during exercise routines, while studies prove that working out with a partner can increase workout time and intensity by 200 per cent. “Choose someone of a similar or slightly higher fitness level,” suggests Nicole. “We naturally mimic the exertion levels and exercise behaviour of exercise partners, so this will definitely improve your performanc­e.”


It’s not always easy to see your results or appreciate how far you’ve come, but a decent Workout Wife will act as your cheerleade­r. “Women often find it difficult to appreciate personal achievemen­ts, but a friend will be able to remind you of how much more weight you’re lifting, how much better you’re looking and how far you’ve come,” says Nicole. “A good workout partner will remind you of your achievemen­ts while keeping you grounded and pushing you to do even better. Just remember to remind her, too.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? What did that punching bag ever do to you, Karlie?
What did that punching bag ever do to you, Karlie?
 ??  ?? PT Nicole Prasad thinks you’re better together
PT Nicole Prasad thinks you’re better together
 ??  ?? also, you can wear matching gym gear, like Danielle and ferne Who you gonna mccall? “my workout wife!” three generation­s of pinketts (yes, that really is Jada’s 64-year-old mum)
also, you can wear matching gym gear, like Danielle and ferne Who you gonna mccall? “my workout wife!” three generation­s of pinketts (yes, that really is Jada’s 64-year-old mum)
 ??  ?? seems like your sisters reckon two’s company, kourtney. bit harsh.
seems like your sisters reckon two’s company, kourtney. bit harsh.

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