Heat (UK)

We join Take That on tour

heat catches up with Take That on tour

- Carl Smith

This is a very healing time for those of us who spent Valentine’s Day 1996 crying in the corner at the school disco. Three-fifths of Take That are back on tour, proving they are still the indisputab­le king of boy bands and still very much able to make us weep. heat caught up with Gary Barlow, Mark Owen and Howard Donald on their Greatest Hits tour, where they talked cheese toasties and one day

reuniting with Jason Orange and Robbie Williams again…

So, have there been any crazy tour bus antics? Gary: I’ll tell you what we used to do on the tour bus… Howard: Oh, don’t say that! G: We used to have a tour manager back in the days when we’d finish the show and go to a club. We’d phone them to get the cheese toasties going on the bus for the way home. M: So rockand-roll, it was. G: The cheese toasties? Gone are those days. Speaking of those days – is there any chance all five of you will ever get back together? G: I think we will. We definitely will. We’re all just enjoying where we are at the moment, though. Rob’s very happy doing what he’s doing. If you’d asked me in 2010, “Would the five of you get together?” I’d probably have said no, but then it happened. I think we will. Do you still get nervous before a performanc­e? H: Yeah, of course we do. I think it’s human nature – especially with the first show. The first one or two, you’re still rehearsing. What’s your pre-show ritual? G: Stretching, singing, warming up. We have our own little rooms where we go and call our wives and kids, then we come in the communal area about an hour before. Nobody’s allowed in there, we just have it to ourselves and make a drink – get ready for the night. And what’s next for Take That? G: We’re just going to enjoy this and possibly have a little bit of time off at the end. It’s definitely not the end, though – we definitely, definitely want to say that! n

 ??  ?? We’d be the cheese in their toastie
We’d be the cheese in their toastie
 ??  ?? Someone’s trolling you with those trousers, Howard
Someone’s trolling you with those trousers, Howard
 ??  ?? The Fab Five, back in 2010
The Fab Five, back in 2010

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