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Sprint star Dina Ashersmith on achieving your fitness goals

Olympic ledge Dina Asher-smith shares her tips for exercising like the pros do


it’s all about #balance

“I’m really natural and pure when it comes to my diet. I always think it’s about balance and eating healthily, and making sure I’m getting protein, carbs, fibre and drinking plenty of water. I love chocolate, but I don’t have it all the time. I don’t rid myself of it, either, because, you know, life is short.”

Happiness is key

“Fitness helps with your physical wellbeing and your mental wellbeing. When you’ve finished exercising – even if it’s just 15 minutes of running or a small workout at home, the endorphins you get from that set up your day and you have more energy. For me, having a healthy work-life balance is about fitting in time for self-care, and fitness is part of that. I think time management and ensuring that you’re happy first is the most important thing.”

monday motivation

“Don’t wait until a certain day or week to start your fitness journey. When you time it with something, you’re more likely to fail, because your motivation tends to fade after that very first day. Make it about more than a New Year’s resolution. Have concrete goals, like you’re doing it because it makes you happier and feel better. It’s about putting things into perspectiv­e and rememberin­g that your goals are long term in order to override those emotions you’re feeling that make you not want to exercise.”

Start Small

“Start with small goals instead of setting yourself big ones. You just have to break things down if it’s not working. If you’re struggling to get past a running goal, start with a 500m run, then get to 750m, then go up to 1km and so on. Before you know it, you’ll be able to reach your target distance and it will seem really easy. Give yourself tangible goals, then you’ll be more likely to keep doing it.”

Dina Asher-smith is a Müller Corner Ambassador. The brand-new Müller Corner Creations Pretzel Party is the most exciting Corner ever!

 ??  ?? Winning gold in Doha last year
Winning gold in Doha last year
 ??  ?? #Bikinigoal­s

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