Heat (UK)

#Megxit may have shaken the royal family and the country, but Kate Middleton CGAF

She’s ready to shrug off the tension and move on…

- Charlotte oliver

It’s fair to say that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s bombshell news that they were stepping down as senior royals shocked and saddened the nation earlier this month – not to mention nearly giving Piers Morgan an aneurysm.

Their impromptu statement also sent shockwaves through the royal family, prompting the Queen to summon Prince Charles, Prince William and Harry to an emergency summit to thrash out the future roles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – and led to Her Majesty making an unpreceden­ted public statement, in which she said she supported their decision, but “would have preferred them to remain full-time working members of the royal family”. She added that she’d asked for these “complex matters” to be resolved swiftly.

As heat has reported, the pressure had been building for months, and while we’re told Prince William in particular is hurt by the news, Kate Middleton is taking a more pragmatic approach. After all, it was only a matter of time before the whole thing blew up – and now that it has, they can all pick up the pieces and focus on the future.

“William is saddened by events – he just doesn’t understand why Harry is acting this way,” a royal insider tells heat. “But Kate has a much calmer head on her. She’s trying to focus on the bigger picture, think positively, and just hope that Harry comes back eventually. No matter how bad the fallout from Harry and Meghan’s decision is and what may still be to come, she says they can all feel the tension and stress starting to ease – and they’re better off for it. She hates that the brothers have grown apart, but she also suspected something like this would happen, so she’s happy that it’s now out in the open.”

While public discussion has focused on the practical and financial ramificati­ons of #Megxit, the sadder truth is that Harry and Meghan’s decision

reveals a rift in a once tight-knit family. William and Harry were always close and, when Kate married into the establishm­ent in 2011, the trio were inseparabl­e (and even lived together). Then, when Meghan joined the fold, the two couples were initially dubbed

“The Fab Four” – representi­ng the face of a modern monarchy. But following Harry’s admission last year that he and his brother were “on different paths”, followed by recent reports that William is upset that he and Harry are now

“separate entities”, sources say that they’re feeling more at odds than ever. And it’s their young families that will most likely feel the effect of Harry and Meghan’s decision.

“Prince George, Princess

Charlotte and Prince Louis don’t know [Harry and Meghan’s son] Archie very well, and probably never will now,” we’re told. “That’s the saddest part. Wills and Harry were inseparabl­e as kids, and their cousins, too. Wills is upset that, with Harry and Meghan planning to spend more time in North America, he won’t see Archie so much. Plus, he’s sad that the fun-loving uncle his kids once knew will no longer be around. Even a few months ago, William still held out hope that their children would grow up together, and would see each other regularly. Now he’s not so sure.” n

‘Kate suspected something like this would happen’

 ??  ?? Kate: she knew
Kate: she knew
 ??  ?? Meghan and Archie with Kate last July
Meghan and Archie with Kate last July
 ??  ?? “If you change your mind, you’re still sixth in line…”
Wills and Kate with the children
“If you change your mind, you’re still sixth in line…” Wills and Kate with the children

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