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Tuesday 21 January - Monday 27 January

- The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week

20 Mar-19 Apr

Even you can get a tad weary. Mercury’s aspect (your health planet) says don’t waste your energy on grand plans, and instead focus on what you can control – world domination comes later, obvs. Work-wise, use that Aries humour to de-stress a tricky issue. LUCKY STRATEGY: Make them smile

TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May

Your stellar work reputation is key this week (you can thank a superb Sun/mercury aspect for that), but someone would be happy to see it tarnished. They won’t succeed if you take extra care with little details this week. At home, though, no pressure – let loved ones support you. LUCKY EFFORTS: Best, always

GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun

Your knack of seeing the bright side of life comes in useful at work this week. Interpret any extra tasks as a chance to prove your worth and you’ll thrive. Money-wise, your partner may face a financial change that affects you. Again, your positivity will make all the difference. LUCKY SPECS: Rose tinted

CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul

Don’t feel short-changed if your charm grabs more attention than your work right now. Your skill is still obvious, so use both to your advantage. Along the same lines, someone has only compliment­s for you, so don’t demur, just say thanks. LUCKY FRENCH TERM: Savoir faire

23 Jul-23 Aug

Lucky you, Leo – there are lots of laughs ahead this week. A splendid Sun aspect spells a social peak, but make sure your partner doesn’t feel a little left out. Money-wise, you’re in danger of impulse buying this week. But check yourself, do you really need it? LUCKY SMILE: Radiant

VIRGO 24 Aug-22 Sept

You’re a financial ninja right now. A sterling Venus aspect (your money planet) says your instincts are spot-on, plus a big buy may save you lots. Elsewhere, pay attention to dreams at the end of the week, as they could hold inspiratio­n. LUCKY SONG: Old Money by Lana Del Rey

LIBRA 23 Sep-22 Oct

Emotions running high at home don’t have to mean WW3. The opposite, in fact, when you realise that talking out an issue is really quite cathartic. Work-wise, why not make it easier on yourself by letting someone else be the critic? LUCKY GIFT: Knowing what not to say

SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov

Even your batteries wear down if left on. A slight apathy from a shift of short-term planets is quickly cured by small changes in diet and sleep. Money-wise, a healthy Mars aspect hints at improving finances. LUCKY NOTION: Being kind to yourself

SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec

That forthright nature may need a little fine-tuning right now. Not your fault – someone close is allergic to the blunt truth, so activate your sensitive side. Health-wise, no planets in stressful alignment spell good spirits. LUCKY MINDSET: Being deeply diplomatic

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan

That cliché “the world’s your oyster” fits right now. Plus, your free spirit may get a financial boost, thanks to the Sun in your money house. But do keep loved ones in the loop. Elsewhere, those pesky jobs at home need doing, so tick off one. LUCKY SONG: I’m Free by The Soup Dragons

AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb

It’s a wizard week for love, as the Sun is in your own sign. Partners should see some serious spoiling, and singletons, you don’t even have to lift a finger as romance finds you. Even work won’t bring you down to earth, as overdue praise should be heading your way. LUCKY EMOJI: Hearts for eyes

PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar

Always sensitive, your intuition is positively spooky (thank Mercury in your spiritual 12th house). But a friend can still surprise you, so take nothing for granted. Work-wise, it pays to be secretive. You’re too smart to show your hand, anyway. LUCKY VISION: X-ray

 ??  ?? EMMA BUNTON 21 JANUARY 1976

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