Heat (UK)

Lisa Armstrong unveils her new red-head ’do

It takes two to tango… and then divorce


She was locked in stalemate for two years with ex-husband Ant Mcpartlin, as they struggled to thrash out the details of their divorce settlement. So, it’s fair to say that, now the dust has settled and the cheque’s

‘She still feels very fragile and needs a lot of support’

been signed, it’s time for Lisa Armstrong to move on with her life – especially as Ant moved on so quickly after they split, with their PA Anne-marie Corbett.

And last week, as she stepped out with a brand-new, flaming-red hairdo, it seemed that Lisa was sending a message that she was doing just that. But heat has been told that the end of their legal wrangling, and the generous financial package, hasn’t brought Lisa the closure she’d been hoping for, and it’s going to take more than a new hairstyle to ease her woes.

“The money means nothing to her,” says an insider close to Lisa, 43, who was reportedly given £31million as part of the settlement, as well as their £6million former marital home in west London, and joint custody of their Labrador, Hurley. “She still feels completely numb and can’t work out what’s next for her. She’s just taking things one day at a time right now. She wants to lead a normal life, but she’s scared she’ll never get the chance to. “For years, she was comfortabl­e living behind the scenes as Ant’s supportive wife, but now that the divorce is sorted, all the options available to her seem daunting.”

Lisa was with Ant, 44, for over 20 years and they were married for 11, before they split in 2018, following his second spell in rehab for alcohol and drug addiction. And as heat reported last week, one of the first things Lisa is planning to do now that a deal has been done is sell their west London property. But our insider says that she is all too aware that Ant will be free to marry Annemarie, and Lisa is beside herself with worry at the prospect.

“She’s dreading that happening,” says the source. “She keeps imagining Ant and Anne-marie setting a date and inviting all their mutual friends to the wedding. Lisa can’t stand the idea of being forgotten about by all her industry friends who are still close to Ant. She still feels very fragile and is relying on all the support she can get from her close friends. The last few months have really knocked the wind out of her.”

Cheer up, Lisa: there’s nothing like a bit of revenge spending to cheer yourself up. We politely suggest you blow a chunk of that hefty pay packet and rub it in your ex’s face. Then he’ll really be seeing red. ■

 ??  ?? New ’do, new you, Lisa?
New ’do, new you, Lisa?
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Ant and Anne-marie: about to make an announceme­nt?
Ant and Anne-marie: about to make an announceme­nt?
 ??  ?? The old Lisa
The old Lisa

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