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Heat oscopes

The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


20 Mar-19 Apr

There’s no chance of you keeping a low profile at work. Mars in your career house suggests folk look up to you, so you have to nail it. Stay focused and you will. Health-wise, drink more water because you’re prone to dehydratio­n right now. LUCKY PHRASE: Victim of your own success

TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May

Let any delays at work wash over you. Mercury approachin­g retrograde could cause things to slow down, or perhaps even derail a plan. This is short-lived, though, so not worth the worry. Elsewhere, you may conquer an anxiety and wonder why it even existed in the first place. Be proud. LUCKY PHRASE: We shall overcome

GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun

You tend to have a split personalit­y when it comes to your finances. But your sensible side may just triumph, thanks to a waning Moon, and you can cut costs with relish. You may end up splurging later on, mind. Style-wise, give a new idea a chance – perhaps listen to a friend’s advice. LUCKY LONG WORD: Parsimonio­us

CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul

Dreamy soul that you are, you may miss out if you don’t pay attention. Even if you don’t seek love, someone has their eye on you. Wouldn’t you rather know? Money-wise, a Sun aspect suggests your advice to family is golden. LUCKY SONG: We’ll Be A Dream by We The Kings ft Demi Lovato

23 Jul-23 Aug

Curb the urge to splurge this weekend. Your money planet Mercury’s retrograde warns against big buys and rash retail therapy. Why not consider selling your surplus stuff instead? Elsewhere, someone’s deep affection for you becomes obvious. LUCKY POSSESSION: A wise head

VIRGO 24 Aug-22 Sept

Take a leap of faith with someone close. Their plans may not please you initially, but you could be wrong, so give them a chance. Elsewhere, Venus (your money planet) in your 8th house urges ditching needless expenses. You know what they are. LUCKY MINDSET: Optimistic

LIBRA 23 Sept-22 Oct

Beware of burnout right now, Libra, as it could creep up on you. Mars joins a stressful planetary order this weekend, which may tire you if you don’t pace yourself. Try to be kind to your body and mind. Work-wise, stay alert – you must be swift to seize a chance. LUCKY COMMAND: Spoil yourself

SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov

It’s not like you to be listless, but low energy affects us all. The Sun’s upcoming shift spells a buzzing social life, so lying low now is good preparatio­n. Elsewhere, your agony aunt skills may be needed for a sibling or sibling figure. LUCKY PLACE: Your sofa

SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec

Don’t let that refreshing honesty verge on being brutal. Try to see a work issue from all angles, and remember that people need gentle handling. Elsewhere, Mercury’s looming retrograde may cause love complicati­ons, so earning some credits now may help. LUCKY AIM: Sensitivit­y

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan

It’s great to be assertive, but try not to tip over into stubborn territory. Mars in your sign usually means that it’s your way or the highway, yet work will be far more fruitful if you are flexible. Elsewhere, your dry humour may just light up someone’s day. LUCKY HOLY GRAIL: Reciprocit­y

AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb

Your gift for sussing the big picture comes into its own this week. A Mars aspect spells rare insight into someone close, but do they need to know that you know? Work-wise, don’t tiptoe around a tricky issue because you will get more respect by being direct. LUCKY APTITUDE: Intuition

PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar

You have class, but where’s the sass? You will benefit from being bolder at work. Your voice is worth hearing, so pipe up, Pisces! Elsewhere, Venus in your sign inspires superb style sense. Add a dash of audacity along with it and you really are a force. LUCKY AIM: Recognitio­n


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